Undergraduate Course Offering for Summer 2021

Under a policy approved by the Senate, exceptions to the general University policy stating that English is the medium of instruction will be permitted when the courses are related to the area of Chinese studies and are approved by the School of Humanities and Social Science. Courses approved to be taught in Chinese carry a [PU] or [CA] notation in the course description, which indicates the spoken language used in teaching: [PU] stands for Putonghua; and [CA] for Cantonese.

Courses marked with a [C] in the course description are not taught in Chinese but may require students to read materials in Chinese. Students who have difficulty reading materials in Chinese should consult the instructor concerned prior to enrolling in these courses. Alternative English reading materials may be provided.


Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA2107@ Introduction to Electronic Music Composition Timothy Page
HUMA2240 Masterpieces of Chinese Literature [C] [PU] Siya Li
HUMA2310 Traditional Chinese Fiction [C] [PU] [EN] Huan Jin
HUMA2670 Understanding Western Painting Anna Kwong

@HUMA2107 Lecture will be taught in online mode, Tutorial will be taught in face-to-face mode.


* non-common core course

^ Chinese communication course

# GCS course

>Enter your ITSC network account and password to view the course syllabus.


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