Public Services
Faculty | Post/Role | Organization |
Charles Wing-hoi CHAN | Adjunct Research Fellow | Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University, PRC |
Research Fellow | Center for the Studies of Chinese Philosophy, Taiwan | |
Council Member | China Zhu Xi Research Society, PRC | |
Member | Sub-Committee on Workshop on Chinese Moral Education, New Asia College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
Founding member | Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia, Kansai University, Japan | |
Member | Association of Japanese Intellectual History, Japan | |
Affiliated member | Center for Cultural Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
Member | International Confucian Ecological Alliance, Hong Kong | |
Advisor | San Wui Commercial Society of Hong Kong | |
Siu-woo CHEUNG | Member | Academic Advisory Board, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University |
Member | Expert Group on Lantau Historical and Cultural Heritage Conservation, Civil Engineering and Development Department, HK SAR Government | |
Chairperson | Consultative Committee, Caritas Ngautaukok Community Center | |
Member | Advisory Board, Project for the Revitalization of Saiwan Village, Saikung, Saikung District Community Center | |
Member | Advisory Board, Salt and Light Preservation Center, Yimtintsai Village, Saikung | |
Panel Member | Selection Board, Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme, Education Bureau, HK SAR Government. | |
Member | Standing Committee, East River Guerrilla Column History Research Association. | |
Member | Academic Committee, Advanced Forum of Anthropology, China 人類學高級論壇 | |
Member | Standing Committee, Chinese Association of Ethnology, Research Institute of Ethnology, Chinese Academy of Social Science. (中国民族学学理事会理事) | |
Christian DANIELS | Member | Editorial Board of Journal of History and Anthropology (Centre for Historical Anthropology, Zhongshan ( Sun Yat-sen) University and South China Research Center, HKUST) ) |
Member | Yunnan Seal Art Society 《雲南印社》會員 | |
Director | Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China Foundation (formerly East Asian History of Science Foundation) (Hong Kong) | |
Honorary Associate | Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, England | |
Research Fellow | Toyo Bunko東洋文庫, Tokyo, Japan | |
Member | IPCR Executive Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University 京都大学東南ジ 研究所共同利用・共同研究拠点運営委員会 |
Member | Steering Committee of the Travel Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan 旅の文化研究所運營評議員 | |
Daisy DU | Founder and Editor-in-chief | Association for Chinese Animation Studies |
Editorial Board Member | Journal of Chinese Cinemas | |
Jenny HUNG | Guest Speaker | The Hong Kong Society of Humanities (香港人文學會) |
Writer | Buddhist Miu Fa Magazine (妙華會訊) | |
Anna KWONG | Committee Member | Hong Kong Association for European Studies (香港歐洲研究學會) in the period 2014 – present |
James LEE | Editorial Boards (Journals) | The History of the Family: An International Quarterly, 2021- ; 中国经济史研究 (Research in Chinese Economic History) 2015-; Economic History Review 2019-; 数字人文季刊 (Digital Humanities Research) 2020- |
Editorial Board (Books) | Monograph Series on Social Life in China, Fudan Univ. Press and Brill Publishers, 2015-; Monograph Series on The Quantitative Economic History of China, Brill Publishers, 2014- |
Sharlin Prize Committee | Social Science History Association, 2019-; | |
莙政基金Board of Directors | CURE, Chinese Undergraduate Research Endowment, 1998-. The first program dedicated to promote undergraduate research in China, CURE is a private family endowment supervised by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. We currently have programs at Fudan, Lanzhou, Peking, SJTU, and Suzhou Universities in mainland China and Tsinghua University in Taiwan and over the last 20 years have sponsored over 4000 UG students, half of whom are female. | |
Chair of College of General Studies Advisory Committee | King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2015- | |
Steering Committee | China Biographical Database Project (CBDB), 2017- | |
Tik Sang LIU | Museum Expert Advisor | Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government |
Member | Focus Group of the Tseung Kwan O History and Heritage Information Centre, Sai Kung District Office, Home Affairs Department, HKSAR Government | |
Member | Sub-committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage Items, HKSAR Government | |
Member | Town Planning Board, HKSAR Government | |
Member | Evaluation Panel of Pilot Scheme for Characteristic Local Tourism Events, Hong Kong Tourism Board, HKSAR Government | |
Co-opted Member | Culture and Promotion Working Group of the Chinese Temples Committee, Hong Kong | |
Jianmei LIU | Reviewer | The Award of Dreams of Red Chamber 第五屆「紅樓夢獎:世界華文長篇小說獎」 |
Editorial board member | Chinese Literature: Essays Articles Reviews | |
Editorial board member | Cambria Sinophone World Series—book series for Cambria Press | |
Jianxiong MA | Board Advisor | Technology & Education Connecting Cultures of Hong Kong |
Sai Lok NAM | Vice-chairman & Trustee | Rev. Brother Paul Sun Education Foundation, 2017 |
Judge | Hong Kong Joint University Debate (Cantonese) Tournament, 2016 and 2017 | |
Eric NELSON | Panel member | Humanities Panel for Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 |
Editorial board member | Frontiers of Philosophy in China Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual Journal of Chinese Philosophy Journal of East Asian Philosophy Philosophy East and West Theoria and Praxis: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought |
Quentin QIN | Review Editor | Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Communication (“Language Sciences” section) |
James SIMPSON | PhD external examiner | Heriot-Watt University (PhD, January 2021) UCL Institute of Education (PhD, May 2020) |
Programme external examiner | MA TESOL programmes, York St John University, UK (2020-2024) | |
Committee chair | Founding Chair, Chair of Trustees, Migrant English Support Hub (MESH) (2014-present) | |
Committee member | External Evaluation Committee, Cyprus Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) for evaluation and accreditation of Master in Computer Assisted Language Learning, Cyprus University of Technology (July 2021) University of Leeds Sanctuary Scholarship Committee (2017-2021) University of Leeds School of Education Research Excellence Framework Reading Group (2016-2020) |
Member (advisory board) | Editorial Advisory Board, TESOL Quarterly (2021-2024) Advisory board, Language Issues journal (2008-present) Leeds City Council ESOL Strategy Working Group |
Reviewer (conference abstract proposals) | Conference abstracts, BAAL (British Association for Applied Linguistics) annual meeting, 2020/2021 Conference abstracts, AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée) conference 2020/2021 |
Reviewer (book proposals) | Routledge Multilingual Matters |
Reviewer (journal articles) | TESOL Quarterly Applied Linguistics Language and Intercultural Communication Language and Communication |
Founder and manager | Founder and manager, ESOL-Research online forum – (2006-present). | |
Invited speaker | Invited speaker, ESOL Local Coordination Workshop, London (Central Government consultation workshop) (February 2020). | |
Jingtao SUN | Member | 1) Editorial board of Zhōngguó yǔwén 中国语文 2) Advisory Borad of Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics |
Reviewer | Reviewed more than twenty papers for eight journals since 2016 | |
Ad hoc reviewer | for conferences, awards, tenure/promotion, and curriculum | |
Speaker | Gave eight public lectures in Hong Kong and mainland China since 2016, including the one given in June 2021. | |
Simon Man Ho WONG | Member | the Editorial Board of New Asia Journal |
Member | the HKDSE Liberal Studies Subject Committee | |
Shengqing WU | Panel member | Humanities Panel for Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 |
Executive committee member | Association for Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL) | |
Editorial board member | Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) | |
Editorial board member | Prism: Theory and Modern Chinee Literature | |
Min ZHANG | Member | Subcommittee for Chinese Grammar and Text, the National Language and Script Standardization Technical Committee, Ministry of Education, PRC |
Guest Speaker | “National Schoolteacher Training Programme”﹝國培計劃﹞ | |
Carine Yuk Man YIU | Member | Psychology and Linguistics Sub-panel of the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2014-20 |
Member | The Chinese Language Interface Advisory Committee, Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR, 2017-19 | |
Assessment Panel Member | (Humanities and Social Sciences)/RGC Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector, 2021 | |
Council Member | Chinese Association of Phonetics | |
Reviewing Expert | Chinese books published in the past century“中文圖書評價研究”評審專家,教育部高等學校圖書情報工作指導委員會和中國圖書館學會高等學校圖書館分會立項的課題,由北京大學圖書館主持 | |
Advisor | Beijing University Press since 2007北京大學出版社專家顧問 | |
Advisor | World Knowledge Press since 2007世界知識出版社﹝北京﹞專家顧問 | |
Flora Li Tsui FU | Chairman | Advisory Board, Visual Studies, Lingnan University, 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2020 |
External Examiner | Degree Module of the Department of Social Science, Hang Seng Management College, April 2017 to August 2019 |