Undergraduate Course Offering for Fall 2022

Under a policy approved by the Senate, exceptions to the general University policy stating that English is the medium of instruction will be permitted when the courses are related to the area of Chinese studies and are approved by the School of Humanities and Social Science. Courses approved to be taught in Chinese carry a [PU] or [CA] notation in the course description, which indicates the spoken language used in teaching: [PU] stands for Putonghua; and [CA] for Cantonese.

Courses marked with a [C] in the course description are not taught in Chinese but may require students to read materials in Chinese. Students who have difficulty reading materials in Chinese should consult the instructor concerned prior to enrolling in these courses. Alternative English reading materials may be provided.

course syllabus


School-Sponsored Course
Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA1000A (L1) Cultures and Values: Language, Communication and Society Cathy Pan

HUMA1000A (L2)

Cultures and Values: Language, Communication and Society

HUMA1000A (L2) adopts a project-based experiential learning approach, with a different assessment structure from L1.

Cathy Pan

HUMA1000B Cultures and Values: Righteousness, Destiny and Well-being Sai-lok Nam

HUMA1001B Foundational Texts in the Humanities: The Four Books--Zhu Xi's Reading [C][CA] Charles Chan


Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA1030  Structure of the Chinese Language [C] Carine Yiu

HUMA3060 Language and Migration James Simpson

HUMA4020*# Language and Literature in Modern China [C] [PU] Min Zhang


Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA1210 Chinese Women on Screen Daisy Du

HUMA2300 Traditional Chinese Poetry: Early Chinese Poetry [C][PU] Siya Li 

HUMA3203* Chinese Creative Writing: Reading Literary Classics and Writing Novels [C] [PU] Lianke Yan


History and Anthropology
Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA1430 History of P. R. China’s Diplomacy, 1949-1989 [C] [PU] John LIM 


HUMA1440 Modern China [C] Lawrence Zhang

HUMA2588 Nazism and German Society, 1914-1945 Joshua Derman


HUMA2638 Peoples and Cultures in Mainland Southeast Asia Jianxiong Ma



HUMA2640 Unofficial China: Social History 1800s-1930s [C] Virgil Ho

HUMA2660^ Introduction to Chinese Painting [C] [PU] Flora Fu

HUMA2670 Understanding Western Painting Anna Kwong

HUMA3630 Community and Cultural Identity Siu-woo Cheung

HUMA4520* History of US-China Relations David Chang


Philosophy and Religion
Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA3810^ Taoism and the Chinese Tradition [C] [PU] Simon Wong

Philosophy of History and Society Eric Nelson


Course Code Course Title Instructor  
HUMA1100 (S1, S2) Music of the World Mercedes Dujunco

HUMA1102 Enjoyment of Classical Music Ilari Kaila

HUMA2101 Enjoyment of Western Opera Isaac Droscha

HUMA2104 Music Theory I: Introduction to Tonal Music Ilari Kaila

HUMA2105 Music, Drama and Theatre Isaac Droscha & Mandy Petty

HUMA2107 (S1, S2) Introduction to Electronic Music Composition Timothy Page

HUMA3103* Making Chamber Music B Amy Sze


* non-common core course

^ Chinese communication course

# GCS course

>Enter your ITSC network account and password to view the course syllabus.


About credit transfer from other Universities:

if the system mapping shows “HUMA1000 Cultures and Values” in HKUST Equivalent Course field, it means the course map with HUMA1000 School-Sponsored Course (SSC).

if the system mapping shows “HUMA1000-level course in Humanities” in HKUST Equivalent Course field, it means the course map with HUMA1000 level courses.


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