Professor Lu graduated from East China Normal University and received his MA in history from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1981. He then received his MA in Chinese literature in 1992 and PhD in Chinese cultural history in 1995 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he taught Classical Chinese part-time from 1990 to 1995. Before beginning his doctorate program at Wisconsin, he had taught Chinese literature at East China Normal University, and worked as Associate Professor and Vice-Director of the section of Warring States and Ch’in and Han Studies at the Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Research Interests
Chinese political, social and intellectual history from early to early medieval periods; Chinese cultural history; political institutions and systems; classical textual studies; popular beliefs and religions.
Representative Publications
《漢代的謠言》Rumors in Han Dynasties. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2011.
〈兩漢時期關於軍事屯田的論爭〉[Disputes on Having Garrison Troops Open Up Wasteland and Grow Grains in the Han Dynasties],《中國軍事科學》[China Military Science] 2 (2011): 121-128, 156. (Co-authored with Wang Zijin)
〈論長安“小女陳持弓”大水訛言事件〉[A Discussion of the Rumor-like Utterance of “Great Flood” Circulated in the Han Capital Area and the Incident of An Under Age Girl Chen Chigong Breaking in Imperial Palace],《史學集刊》[Collected Papers of History Studies] 4 (2011): pp. 50-55. (Co-authored with Wang Zijin)
〈漢代“童子郎”身份與“少為郎”現象〉[Capacity of “Youth Court Attendant” in the Han Dynasty and the Phenomenon of “Appointed as Court Attendant When Still Young”],《南都學壇》[Academic Forum of Nandu] 4(2011): pp. 1-9. (Co-authored with Wang Zijin)
〈秦漢時期中原的“群都”〉[Mutiple “Capitals” in the Central Plain during the Qin and Han Dynasties],《史學月刊》[Joural of Historical Science] 9 (2011): pp. 38-44. (Co-authored with Wang Zijin)
〈論秦漢“魁”及相關稱謂〉[Social Meanings and Roles of Kui and Related Titles],《秦漢研究》[Qin and Han Studies] vol. 5 (2011): pp. 15-24. (Co-authored with Wang Zijin)
〈《中國考古學•秦漢卷》評價〉[A Review on the Chinese Archeology, Volume of Qin and Han],《中國史研究動態》[Trends of Recent Researches on the History of China] 4 (2011): pp. 84-86. (Co-authored with Wang Zijin)
〈讖緯與魏晉南北朝佛教〉[Chen Prophecy and Apocrypha in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism] in Journal of Nanjing University 4(2010): 109-122.
〈漢代開國之君神話的建構與語境〉[Formation and Context of the Myths about the Founder of the Han Empire] in《史學集刊》[Collected Papers of History Studies] 2(2010):11-18.
“Apocrypha in Early Medieval Chinese Literature.” In Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 30 (2008): 93-101.
〈略論民間歌謠在漢代的政治作用及相關迷思〉[Political Roles and Myths of Folk Rhymes in Han China].《社會科學戰線》[Social Science Front] 9 (2008): 106-124.
王應麟《困學紀聞》(全校本) Ri zhi lu jishi (quanjiao ben). A thoroughly collated emended, and punctuated edition by Luan Baoqun 欒保群, Tian Songqing田松青and Lu Zongli 呂宗力. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2008.
〈讖緯與兩晉南朝的政治與社會〉[Chen Prophecy and Apocrypha in Early Medieval Politics and Society of the South China]. 《中華國學研究》[Research in the Tradition of Chinese Culture] 1 (2008): 67-77.
〈讖緯與十六國北朝的政治與社會〉[Chen Prophecy and Apocrypha in Early Medieval Politics and Society of the North China]. 《1至6世紀中國北方社會、民族與邊疆國際學術研討會論文集》[Proceedings of the International Conference on Society, Ethnics, and Frontier Regions in North China, 1st to 6th Centuries]. Beijing: Science Press, 2008, pp. 253-298.
趙翼《陔餘叢考》[Zhao Yi Gai yu cong kao]. (revised edition; co-collated and punctuated by Luan Baoqun and Lu Zongli) Shijiazhuang: Hebei renmin chubanshe, 2007.
馮夢龍《智囊全集》[Feng Menglong Zhinang quanji]. (revised edition; co-collated, punctuated and annotated by Luan Baoqun and Lu Zongli) Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2007.
“A Short Biography of Professor Zhang Zhenglang.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 29 (2007): 201-213.
顧炎武《日知錄集釋》(全校本)[Gu Yanwu Ri zhi lu jishi (quanjiao)]. (a thoroughly collated, emended, and punctuated edition by Luan Baoqun and Lu Zongli) Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2006. (3 volumes, 2022 pages)
〈漢代“妖言”探討〉[An Exploration of Portentous Words in the Han Empire].《中國史研究》[Research of Chinese History] 4 (2006): 39-58.
〈魏晉南北朝至隋禁毀讖緯始末〉[The Banning of Apocrypha and Prophecy During the Wei, Jin, the Period of Division and the Sui]. In《高敏先生八十華誕紀念文集》, 235-252. Beijing: Xianzhuang shuju, 2006.
〈讖緯與魏晉南朝文學〉[Chen Prophecy and Apocryphal in Early Medieval Chinese Literature]. In《漢魏六朝文學與宗教》[Han-Wei-Liuchao wenxue yu zongjiao], ed. by Ge Xiaoyin. 136-194. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2005.
〈何四維、魯惟一與簡帛學〉[Studies of Anthony François Paulus Hulsew赌 and Michael Loewe: On Bamboo and Silk Texts].《簡帛研究彙刊》[Collected Essays on Studies of Bamboo and Silk Texts] 2 (2004): 177-196.
Power of the Words: Chen Prophecy in Chinese Politics, AD 265-618. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., New York, Wien: Peter Lang AG, 2003.
〈漢代的流言與訛言〉Rumor and Rumor-like Utterance in the Han Empire]. 《歷史研究》[Historical Research] 2 (2003): 14-31.
〈兩晉南北朝之緯學——經學界的通緯風尚〉[The Trend of Studying the Apocrypha among the Canonical Scholars in the Early Medieval China]. In《揖芬集——張政烺先生九十華誕紀念文集》[Yi fen ji: Zhang Zhenglang xiansheng jiushi huadan ji’nian wenji]. 655-669. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2002.
〈先秦儒家與內學秘經〉 [The Inner Learning and Esoteric Canon and the Classical Confucianism]. In《儒道學術國際研討會——先秦論文集》[Ru-Dao guoji yantaohui: Xian-Qin lunwenji]. 67-73. Taipei: Taiwan shifan daxue guowen xi, 2002.
《中國民間諸神》[The Folk Deities of China, A Revised and Enlarged Edition]. (co-authored with Luan Baoqun) Shijiazhuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 2001.
〈感生神話與漢代皇權正當性的論證〉[Miraculous Birth in Legitimation of Imperial Throne During the Han Dynasties].《秦漢史論叢》[Essays on the Studies of Qin and Han Dynasties] 8 (2001): 415-434.
〈也談《史記‧秦始皇本紀》中若干史實的可靠性〉 [A Reinvestigation into the Authenticity of Certain Historical Episodes in Records of the Historian: Basic Annuals of Emperor Qin Shihuang].《北大史學》[Clio at Beida] 7 (2000): 144-155.
〈人間何處無小寶─試談《鹿鼎記》中的粗口與韋小寶的形象塑造〉[A Hero from the Lower: Cursing in the Portraying of Wei Xiaobao]. In《金庸小說國際學術研討會論文集》[Collected Essays: The International Conference on Jin Yong’s Novels], ed. by Wang Chiu-kuei. 237-270. Taipei: Yuanliu Publishing Company, 1999.
“Problems Concerning the Authenticity of Shih-chi 123 Reconsidered.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 17 (1996): 51-68.
〈兩晉南北朝より隋に至る圖讖を禁絕する歷史の真相〉[The Historical Truth Behind the Banning of Apocrypha and Prophecy During the Jin, the Period of Division and the Sui]. In《中村璋八博士古稀紀念東洋學論集》, 243-301. Tokyo: Kyuko shoin, 1996.
《中國歷代官制大辭典》[A Comprehensive Dictionary of Official System in Imperial China]. (Editor in Chief and Principal Compiler) Beijing: Beijing chubanshe, 1994.
The Record of the Grand Scribe《史記》, vol. 1 and 7. (trans. by Tsai-fa Cheng, Zongli Lu, William H. Nienhauser, Jr. and Robert Reynolds; ed. by William H. Nienhauser, Jr.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994.
〈東漢碑刻と讖緯神學〉[The Prophecy and the Apocryphal Texts in the Eastern Han Inscriptions]. In《緯學研究論叢——安居香山博士追悼》, ed. by Nakamura Shohachi. 210-256. 東京: 平河出版社, 1993.
〈菜根譚の作者の本籍と版本の源流について考察〉[A Study of the Birthplace of the Author of the Cai gen tan and its Textual History].《駒澤大學外國語論集》31 (1990): 195-202.
〈緯書與西漢今文經學〉[A Comparison between the Texts of the New Texts School and the Prophetic-apocryphal Texts]. In《讖緯神學の綜合的研究》, ed. by Yasui Kôzan. 397-426. 東京: 國書刊行會, 1984.
〈從碑刻看讖緯神學對東漢思想的影響〉[The Influence of the Prophecy and Apocryphal Texts in the Eastern Han Thought Viewing through the Inscriptions].《中國哲學》[Zhong-guo ze-xue] 12 (1984): 106-125.