Professor Wang earned his BA and MA from Nankai University, and his MA and PhD from Yale University. He taught at Washington State University before joining the faculty of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Research Interests
U.S. social history; early medieval Chinese history.
Representative Publications
Surviving the City: The Chinese and Italian Immigrant Experience in New York City, 1890-1970. Lanham, M.D.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2001.
⟨美國新社會史的興起及其走向⟩[The Rise of American Social History and Its Trends].《新史學》[New History] (Taiwan) 6 (September 1995): 155-183.
“When Families Came to America: Adaptation of Italian and Chinese Familial Traditions in New York City, 1890-1970.” Eur-America: A Journal of European and American Studies (Taiwan) 25 (December 1995): 1-26.
“Economic Opportunity, Artisan Leadership, and Immigrant Workers’ Labor Militancy: Italian and Chinese Immigrants in New York City, 1890-1970.” Labor History (USA) 37 (Fall 1996): 480-499.
“Group Loyalties in the Workplace: The Chinese Immigrant Experience in New York City, 1890-1970.” New York History (USA) 80.3 (July 1999): 279-304.
“Devotion to the Madonna and Veneration of Ancestors: Religious Adjustment of Italian and Chinese Immigrants in New York City, 1890-1970.” Studi Emigrazione: International Journal of Migration Studies (Italy) 38.144 (December 2001): 895-900.
⟨論羅德州多爾起義的性質,兼議美國早期工匠的政治性格⟩[On the Nature of the Dorr Rebellion in Rhode Island, and on the Political Character of the Early American Artisans].《世界歷史》[World History] 2 (2006): 50-60
⟨亞裔美國史可以成為美國移民史的一部分嗎?⟩[Can Asian-American History be Part of U.S. Immigration History?].《世界歷史》[World History] 2 (2007): 123-127.
⟨亞裔美國史學五十年:反思與展望⟩[Fifty Years of Asian-American History: Reflections and Prospects].《史學集刊》[World History] 3 (2012): 123-127.
⟨19世紀美國政府對待社會暴力的雙重標準⟩[Fifty Years of Asian-American History: Reflections and Prospects].《史學集刊》[World History] 9 (2014): 123-127.
⟨美國勞動騎士團種族政策的再探討⟩[The Knights of Labor’s Racial Policy Revisited].《世界歷史》[World History] 4 (2015): 123-127.
⟨跨國勞工史在美國的興起、創新及問題⟩[The Rise of Transnational Labor History, its Originality and Problems].《世界歷史》[World History] 4 (2020): .
⟨工作競爭與文化差異:美國非裔與亞裔的族裔矛盾1860-1924⟩[Job Competition and Cultural Differences: Racial Tension between African Americans and Asian Americans ].《世界歷史》[World History] 4 (2022):
⟨論桓玄代晉的性質兼論孝武帝和劉裕之間皇權振興的連續性⟩[The Nature of Huan Hsuan’s Usurpation of the Eastern Chin Revisited].《新史學》[New History] (Taiwan) 15.4 (December 2004): 197-221.
⟨家與國的抉擇:東晉士人對忠君觀念的提倡⟩[Family or State? The Advocate of the Confucian Idea of Loyalty to the Sovereign by the Scholar-Officials during the Eastern Jin].《台大歷史學報》[Historical Inquiry: National Taiwan University] 39 (June 2007): 107-137.
March 2023