Siu-woo CHEUNG (張兆和 )
PhD University of Washington, 1996
Associate Director, South China Research Center
Tel: 23587763
Email: hmcheung@ust.hk
Room No: 3340
Professor Cheung developed his interest in cultural anthropology during his undergraduate study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He later received his training at the University of Washington and completed his MA and PhD in Anthropology there. His area of specialization extends from South China to Vietnam.
Research Interests
Ethnicity and ethno-historical processes in South China and Vietnam; subject-identity constitution and representation; cultural politics among border peoples.
Representative Publications
〈在逃遁與攀附之間:中國西南苗族身份認同與他者政治〉(Between Escape and Assimilation: Miao Identity in Southwest China and the Politics of Recognition), Editing Committee, 《西南地区多民族和谐共生关系论文集》(Collected Volume on Harmonious Ethnic Co-Existence in the Multi-Ethnic Region of Southwest China), pp. 15-41. Guiyang: Guizhou University Press, 2012.
“Appropriating Otherness and the Contention of Miao Ethnic identity in Southwest China.” The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 2012, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 142-169.
〈跨国族群意识与非物质文化遗产:广西中越边境京族文化边界的个案研究〉(Transnational Ethnic Consciousness and Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Jing People’s Cultural Boundaries on the Sino-Vietnamese Border in Guangxi). Xu Xinjia , ed. 《文化遗产研究》(Studies on Cultural Heritage), pp. 59-76. Chengdu: Bashu Shushe, 2011.
《梁聚五文集:民族.民主.政論》(The Anthology of Liang Juwu: Nation, Democracy, and Political Commentaries). (Co-edited with Li Tinggui) Hong Kong: South China Research Center, Division of Humanities 2010.
〈杨汉先關於黔西苗族身份認同的書寫:近代中国边缘族群以汉语文表述我族身份认同的个案研究〉(Yang Hanxian’s Writings on Miao Identity in Western Guizhou: A Case Study of Marginal Ethnic Groups’ Self-Representation through Chinese Writing in Modern China). 《民族问题研究》(Research on Nationalities), Vol. 2010, Issue 6, pp. 27-39.
〈从‘他者表述’到‘自我表述’: 民国时期石启贵关于湘西苗族身份的探索与实践〉(From ‘Othered Representation’ to ‘Self-Representation’: Shi Qigui’s Exploration and Practices of Miao Identity in Western Hunan during the Republican Period). 《廣西民族大学学报》(Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities). Vol. 30, issue 5, pp. 37-45. Chengdu: Sichuan University. Chengdu: Sichuan University.
“The Turmoil of War: Tai Po under Japanese Occupation during the Second World War.” In Tradition and Heritage in Tai Po, ed. by Tik-sang Liu, Siu-woo Cheung, Wing-ho Wong, and Susanna Lai-kuen Siu. 204-233. Hong Kong: Working Group on Promotion of Local Community Economy in Tai Po; Agriculture, Fisheries, Commerce, Industries, Tourism and Recreation Affairs Committee, Tai Po District Council, 2008.
《文物教育在大澳》[Heritage Education in Tai O]. (co-edited with Tik-sang Liu) Hong Kong: South China Research Center, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2008.
⟨梁聚五關於苗族身份認同的書寫:近代中國邊緣族群以漢語文表述我族身份認同的個案研究⟩[Liang Juwu’s Writings on Miao Identity: A Case Study of Marginal Ethnic Groups’ Self-Representation through Chinese Writing in Modern China].《中國人類學評論》[Review of Chinese Anthropology] (Peking University). (accepted in 2007)
《大澳》(香港地區史研究之二) [Tai O; Study of Local History, No. 2]. (co-authored with Tik-sang Liu) Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company Ltd., 2006.
⟨廣西京族跨國身份認同:試探中國邊界跨境民族研究⟩[Transnational Identity Among the Jing People in Guangxi: On the Study of China’s Cross-border Ethnic Groups]. In《族群與社會》[Ethnicity and Society], ed. by Tiantai Wu. 231-260. Taipei: Wu-nan Culture Enterprise, 2006.
“Miao Identity in Western Guizhou: Indigenism and the Politics of Appropriation in Southwest China during the Republican Period.” In Hmong/Miao in Asia, ed. by Nicholas Tapp, Jean Michaud, Christian Culas, and Gary Lee. 237-272. Chiangmai: Silkworm, 2004.
⟨中越邊界跨境交往與廣西京族跨國身份認同⟩ [Sino-Vietnamese Border Crossing and the Transnational Identity of the Jing Nationality of Guangxi].《歷史人類學學刋》 [Journal of History and Anthropology] 2.1 (2004): 89-133.
“Miao Identities, Indigenism, and the Politics of Appropriation in Southwest China during the Republican Period.” Asian Ethnicity 4.1 (2003): 85-114.
“Appropriating Alterity: Liang Juwu’s Writings on Miao Identity.” The Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University 59 (2002): 42-71.
“Regional Development and Cross-Border Cultural Linkage: The Case of a Vietnamese Community in Guangxi, China.” In Where China Meets Southeast Asia: Social and Cultural Change in the Border Regions, ed. by Grant Evans, Christopher Hutton and Kuah Khun Eng. 277-311. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2000.
“Miao Rebellion and Discursive Construction of Ethnic Identities.” The Bulletin of the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University 53 (1998): 13-56.
“Representation and Negotiation of Ge Identities in Southeast Guizhou.” In Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan, ed. by Melissa Brown. 240-273. Berkeley, CA: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1996.
“Mellenarianism, Christian Movements, and Ethnic Change among the Miao in Southwest China.” In Cultural Encounters on China’s Ethnic Frontiers, ed. by Stevan Harrell. 217-247. Seattle: The University of Washington Press, 1995.