Simon Man-ho WONG ( 黃敏浩)
PhD University of Toronto, 1996
Tel: 23587772
Email: hmmhwong@ust.hk
Room No: 3354
Professor Wong received his BA and MA in Chinese from National Taiwan University, and PhD in East Asian Studies from the University of Toronto. As an instructor, he taught at Wilfrid Laurier University of Ontario.
Research Interests
Confucianism; Neo-Confucianism; Taoism; Chinese Buddhism.
Representative Publications
"張載 '太和篇' 太虛與氣之關係的再檢討" [The Re-examination of the Relationship between the "Great Void" and "Vital Force" in the "Great Harmony" of Zhang Zai]. 嘉大中文學報 11 (2016): 105-129.
"從圓善論看德福一致的不同形態" [The Correspondence of Virtue and Happiness as Viewed from On Perfect Goodness]. 李瑞全, 楊祖漢編. 二十世紀當代入學論文集I: 儒學之國際展望. Taoyuan: Research Center of Confucianism, National Central University, 2015: 199-212.
“黃宗羲《明儒學案》對陽明學的評價”[The evaluation of the Yangming schools in Huang Zongxi’s Records of Ming Scholars].鄭宗義、林月惠合編. 全球與本土之間的哲學探索—劉述先先生八秩壽慶論文集 (Philosophical exploration of the global and local issues—collected essays for the celebration of Professor Liu Shu-hsien’s eightieth birthday). Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 6. 2014: 341-374.
“氣質惡性與根本惡—儒學在現代發展之一例” [Evil nature and the Radical Evil—an example of the development of Confucianism in the modern times]. 景海峰主編. 儒家思想與當代中國文化建設, Beijing: Renmin chuban she, (October) 2013: 483-498.
“Spiritual Masters in Confucianism”. Victoria Kennick and Arvind Sharma, ed., Spiritual Masters of the World Religions. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2012; 189-223.
“王龍溪〈天泉證道紀〉所衍生的問題” [Problems derived from Wang Longxi’s “A Record of Verifying Dao at the Tianquan Bridge”] 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 (Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies). Vol. 8, No. 2 (Issue 16), Dec. 2011; 237-270.
“論黃宗羲對 ‘四句教’ 的詮釋” [A Critique of Huang Zongxi’s Interpretations of the ‘Four Maxims’]. 楊祖漢、楊自平主編. 黃宗羲與明末清初學術 [Huang Zongxi and the learning during the end of Ming and early Qing period]. Zongli and Xinbei: National Central University Press Centre and Airiti Press Inc., (September) 2011.
“從 ‘存言上’ 的三篇文字看鄭霞谷的理氣論” [Zheng Xiagu’s theory of li and qi viewed from three essays in his “Recorded Sayings I”] 陽明學 (Yang-ming Studies) 28 (April 2011): 213-227.
“牟宗三先生對劉蕺山’物即是知, 非知之所照’的詮釋” [Mou Zongsan’s interpretation of Liu Jishan’s concept of “Wu is zhi, not the object of zhi”]. 當代儒學研究 (Journal for Contemporary Studies of Confucianism) 8 (June, 2010): 101-118.
“Contemporary Chinese Studies of the Philosophy of Liu Zongzhou”, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9.2 (April, 2010): 225-232.
“唐君毅論王船山哲學” [Tang Junyi’s interpretation of the philosophy of Wang Chuanshan]. 中國哲學與文化 (The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture) 7 (June 2010): 83-122.
“牟宗三的「歸顯於密」說與儒耶會通” [Mou Tsung-san’s idea of “returning from exoteric to esoteric teachings” and the convergence of Confucianism and Christianity]. 香港浸會大學宗教及哲學系編. 當代儒學與精神性 [Contemporary Confucianism and Spirituality]. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2009: 215-233.
“陳白沙自然之學的定位問題” [A re-evaluation of Chen Baisha’s learning of nature]. 清華學報 (Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies) 38. 4 (December 2008): 599-634.
佛家思想概述;——中國佛教的歷史、宗派思想及性格〉[An Introduction to Buddhist Thought——The History, Thoughts of Schools and Characteristics of Chinese Buddhism]. In《中國文明與自主之道》[Chinese Civilization and the Way of Autonomy], ed. by Yeung Kwok-wing and Wan Dai-wai. 157-191. Hong Kong: Huizhi chuban youxian gongshi, 2008.
⟨牟宗三先生早期宋明儒學研究的價值續論——以⟨宋明儒學綜述⟩及⟨陸王一系之心性之學⟩為例⟩[A Continued Discussion of the Significance of Mou Tsung-san’s Study of Song-Ming Confucianism in his Early Years——Using “A Summarized Description of the Song-Ming Confucianism” and “The Learning of Mind and Nature of the Lu-Wang School” as Example]. In《人文論叢:2006年卷》 [The Humanities Journal: 2006], ed. by Feng Tian-yu. 301-313. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2007.
⟨牟宗三先生早期宋明儒學研究的價值——以《王陽明致良知教》為例⟩[The Significance of Mou Tsung-san’s Study of Song-Ming Confucianism in his Early Years——Using Wang Yang-ming’s Teaching of Extending liang-chih as Example]. In《香港中文大學的當代儒者》[Contemporary Confucians of the Chinese University of Hong Kong], ed. by Cheng Chung-yi. 437-450. Hong Kong: New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.
⟨從⟨孟子師說⟩看黃宗羲的心學⟩[Huang Zongxi’s Theory of Mind as Seen in his “Teacher’s View on Mencius”]. In《儒學、文化與宗教——劉述先先生七秩壽慶論文集》[Confucianism, Culture and Religion——Collection of Essays of the Celebration of the Seventieth Birthday of Mr. Liu Shu-hsien], ed. by Li Ming-hui, Ye Hai-yan and Cheng Chung-yi. 25-42. Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 2006.
“‘Gradual’ and ‘Sudden’ in the Lhasa Debate: A Study of Mo-ho-yen’s Teaching.” Wisdom in China and the West, in Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series III, Asia, Volume 22, ed. by Vincent Shen and Willard Oxtoby. 347-369. Washington, D.C.: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2004.
⟨熊十力論變⟩[Hsiung Shih-li’s Concept of Change]. In《玄圃論學續集——熊十力與中國傳統文化國際學術研討會論文集》[The Second Collection of the Academic Discussions Concerning the Profound Orchard——Collection of Essays of the International Symposium on Hsiung Shih-li and the Chinese Traditional Culture], ed. by Guo Qiyong. 165-175. Wuhan: Hubei jiaoyu chubanshe, 2003.
⟨孟子、告子辯論的再詮釋⟩[A Re-interpretation of the Debates between Mencius and Kao-tzu].《清華學報》[Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies] 32.1 (2002): 117-144.
⟨邵雍 “觀物內外篇” 的道家思想⟩[The Taoist Thought in Shao Yung’s “Kuan-wu nei-wai p’ien”]. In《道家與道教:第二屆道家文化國際學術研討會論文集(道家卷)》[Philosophical and Religious Taoism: Collection of Essays of the Second International Conference on the Taoist Culture (Volume on Philosophical Taoism)], ed. by Chen Guying and Feng Dawen. 445-463. Guangzhou: Guangdong Renmin Chubanshe, 2001.
⟨從劉宗周闢佛看儒佛異同⟩[A Comparative Study of Confucianism and Buddhism from the Perspective of Liu Tsung-chou]. In《天人之際與人禽之辨——比較與多元的觀點》[Transcendence and Immanence——Comparative and Multidimensional Perspectives], ed. by Charles Wing-hoi Chan. 173-194. Hong Kong: New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001.
⟨桑耶論諍中的「大乘和尚見」——「頓入」說的考察⟩[The Hva-san’s View in the Debate of Sam Yas——An Inquiry into the Doctrine of Suddenness]. (co-authored with Lawrence Y.K. Lau)《佛學研究中心學報》[Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies] (National Taiwan University) 6 (2001): 151-180.
《劉宗周及其慎獨哲學》[Liu Tsung-chou and His Philosophy of Vigilance in Solitude]. Taipei: Xuesheng Shuju, 2001.
“Liu Zongzhou’s Criticism of Wang Yangming’s Teachings.” (co-authored with Lloyd Sciban) Journal of Chinese Philosophy 26.2 (1999): 225-239.