Professor Ting is a linguist who comes to HKUST from the University of California at Berkeley, where he had been the Agassiz Professor of Chinese Linguistics since 1994 to 1998. Prior to joining the faculty at Berkeley in 1989, Professor Ting was Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of History and Philology at Academia Sinica, and Professor of Chinese Linguistics at National Taiwan University. He was elected to membership in Academia Sinica in 1986.
Research Interests
Chinese linguistics; Chinese phonology; Chinese dialectology; Sino-Tibetan linguistics.
Representative Publications
⟨從《切韻》的結構論擬測中古音系介音及元音的原則⟩[Discussion of the Structure of the Qieyun and the Principles for Reconstructing Its Medials and Vowels]. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 2.2 (2008): 1-14.
⟨漢藏語中的基本數詞⟩[Basic Numerals in Sino-Tibetan].《歷史語言學研究》[Lishi Yuyanxue Yanjiu] 1 (2008): 17-26.
《歷史層次與方言研究》[Chinese Dialects and Historical Strata]. Shanghai: Shanghai Educational Publishing House, 2007.
⟨從歷史層次論吳閩關係⟩[Historical Strata in the Wu and Min Dialects].《方言》[Fangyan] 1 (2006): 1-5.
⟨論《切韻》四等韻介音有無的問題⟩[On the Medial -i- in Qieyun Division IV Finals]. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 1.1 (2006): 1-14.
⟨北京話文白異讀和方言移借⟩[Literary vs. Colloquial Variations and Dialectal Borrowings in Pekinese]. In On and Off Work: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Chin-Chuan Cheng on His 70th Birthday, ed. by Raung-fu Chung, Hsien-chin Liu, Jia-ling Hsu, and Dah-an Ho. 1-8. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 2006.
Essays in Chinese Historical Linguistics: Festschrift in Memory of Professor Fang-Kuei Li on His Centennial Birthday (《漢語史研究:紀念李方桂先生百年冥誕論文集》). (edited with Anne O. Yue) Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, and Seattle: University of Washington, 2005.
《漢藏語同源詞研究 (三) 漢藏語研究的方法論探索》[Cognate Words in Sino-Tibetan Languages, Vol. III: Exploring the Methodology of the Study of Sino-Tibetan Languages]. (edited with Sun Hongkai) Nanning Shi: Guangxi Minzu Chubanshe, 2004.
《一百年前的蘇州話》[The Suzhou Dialect at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century]. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Press, 2003.
⟨《蘇州同音常用字》之文白異讀⟩ [Literary and Colloquial Readings in the Suzhou Dialect at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century].《中國語文》[Zhongguo Yuwen] 5 (2002): 423-430.
《閩語研究及其與周邊方言的關係》[The Study of Min Dialects and Its Relationship with Other Peripheral Dialects]. (edited with Chang Song-hing) Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2002.
《漢藏語同源詞研究 (二) 漢藏苗傜同源詞專題研究》[Cognate Words in Sino-Tibetan Languages, Vol. II: A Study on Sino-Tibetan and Miao-Yao Cognate Words]. (edited with Sun Hongkai) Nanning Shi: Guangxi Minzu Chubanshe, 2001.
《漢藏語同源詞研究 (一) 漢藏語研究的歷史回顧》[Cognate Words in Sino-Tibetan Languages, Vol. I: A Historical Review of the Studies on Sino-Tibetan Languages]. (edited with Sun Hongkai) Nanning Shi: Guangxi Minzu Chubanshe, 2000.