Professor Zhang received his BA and PhD degrees in Chinese linguistics from Peking University. Before joining the HKUST, he taught at Peking University (1990-1991) and National University of Singapore (1993-1999). He also held visiting positions at University of Washington (1991-1992, 1994), The Ohio State University (1992-1993), National Chung Cheng University (1998), Peking University (2003, 2007), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (2004), and Beijing Language and Culture University (2005).
Research Interests
Chinese linguistics; Chinese historical grammar; Chinese dialectology; cognitive semantics and syntax.
Representative Publications
인지언어학과 문법 도상성 : 중국어 명사구 [Cognitive Linguistics and Chinese Noun Phrase 認知語言學與漢語名詞短語] (translated from Chinese to Korean by Lee Won Jae), 407pp. Seoul: Hakgobang Press, 2016.
"A revised semantic map of oblique roles and its implications for comparative and diachronic studies of Chinese syntax." Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 9 (2016) 3-27.
“Postverbal Constraint as a Scalar Phenomenon: The Case of Modern Chinese Verb-Directional Constructions.” Paper presented at the International Symposium on Chinese Linguistics and Language Teaching, May 29-30, 2012, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.
"漢語方言雙及物結構南北差異的成因:類型學研究引發的新問題" [Revisiting the alignment typology of ditransitive constructions in Chinese dialects]. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, Vol.4, No.2, 2011. pp.87-270.
"語義地圖模型:原理、操作及在漢語多功能語法形式研究中的運用" [The Semantic Map Model and its application to the study of multifunctional grams in Chinese]. 語言學論叢 [Essays on Linguistics] (Commercial Press: Beijing) Vol.42, pp.3-60, 2010.
“How to give in a language without ‘give’: Towards a new typology of ditransitives in Sinitic languages.” Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-11), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, July 2-4, 2009.
"漢語話題化結構限制中的鄰接條件:認知處理角度的論證" [A Revisit of the Subjacency Constraint in Chinese Topicalization from the Perspective of Cognitive Processing]. 語言學論叢 [Essays on Linguistics] (Commercial Press: Beijing) Vol.39 (Special Edition in Honor of Prof. Noam Chomsky), pp.523-572, 2009.
"自然句法理論與漢語語法像似性研究" [The Theory of Natural Syntax and Studies on Iconicity in Chinese Syntax]. In《當代語言學理論和漢語研究》[Contemporary Linguistic Theories and Studies of the Chinese Language], ed. by Shen Yang and Feng Shengli. 536-562. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2008.
"從類型學看上古漢語定語標記『之』語法化的來源" [A Study of the Grammaticalization of Attributive Marker zhi in Archaic Chinese: From Typological Perspective]. In《語法化與語法研究》(一)[Studies in Grammar and Grammaticalization (Volume I)], ed. by Wu Fuxiang and Hong Bo. 239-294. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2003.
"勾漏片粵語和平話的糾葛:從玉林話的歸屬說起" [Untangling the Entanglement between Goulou Yue and Pinghua: On Genetic Classification of the Yulin Dialect]. (co-authored with Lieting Zhou) In《第八屆國際粵方言研討會論文集》[Selected Papers from the 8th International Conference on Cantonese and Other Yue Dialects], ed. by Zhan Bohui. 42-69. Beijing: The China Social Sciences Press, 2003.
"早期儒家的『道』:本體隱喻的發展" [Early Confucians’ Conception of tao: Development of its Ontological Metaphors]. In 《儒學與世界文明論文集》[Confucianism and World Civilisations], ed. by Tan Eng Chew et al. 688-707. Singapore: National University of Singapore and the World Scientific Publishing Co., 2003.
“上古、中古漢語及現代南方方言裡的“否定-存在演化圈.” [The negative-existential cycle as manifested in Archaic Chinese, Middle Chinese, and the Modern Southern dialects]. International Symposium on the Historical Aspect of the Chinese Language: Commemorating the Centennial Birthday of the Late Professor Li Fang-Kuei. (Vol II.) Edit by Anne Yue. University of Washington, Seattle, August 15-17, 2002. pp. 571-616.
"漢語方言重疊式語義模式的研究" [A Semantic Model of Reduplications in Chinese Dialects]. 《中國語文研究》 [Studies in Chinese Linguistics] (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1 (2001): 24-42.
“Syntactic Change in Southeastern Mandarin: How Does Geographical Distribution Reveal A History of Diffusion?” In In Memory of Professor Li Fang-Kuei: Essays of Linguistic Change and the Chinese Dialects, ed. by Ting Pang-Hsin and Anne O. Yue. 197-242. Taipei & Seattle: Academia Sinica and University of Washington, 2000.
《認知語言學與漢語名詞短語》[Cognitive Linguistics and Chinese Noun Phrase]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 1998. 394 pages.
"從類型學和認知語法的角度看漢語重疊現象" [Reduplication in Perspectives of Typology and Cognitive Grammar].《國外語言學》[Linguistics Abroad] (Beijing) 72 (1997): 37-45.
“Iconicity and Word Order Change in Chinese.” In Proceedings of the Sixth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (Vol. II), ed. by Jose Camacho and Lina Choueiri. 249-263. Los Angeles: GSIL, University of Southern California, 1995.