Professor Chong earned his BA from the University of Singapore, and his PhD from the University of London. He taught at the National University of Singapore before joining the faculty of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Research Interests
Ethics; comparative philosophy; early Confucianism; Zhuangzi.
Representative Publications
Zhuangzi' s Critique of the Confucians, State University of New York Press, 2016.
"Zhuangzi." In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. by Hugh LaFollette. 5582-5587. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
"Zhuangzi's Cheng Xin (成心) and its Implications for Virtue and Perspectives." Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10:4 (November 2011): 427-443.
"The Concept of Zhen 真 in the Zhuangzi." Philosophy East and West 61:2 (April 2011):324-346.
"Zhuangzi and Hui Shi on Qing 情." Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies (清華學報). New Series 40:1 (March 2010): 21-45.
“Xunzi on Capacity, Ability and Constitutive Rules.” In Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement, ed. by Bo Mou. 295-310. Leiden: Brill, 2008.
“Xunzi and the Essentialist Mode of Thinking on Human Nature.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy (USA) 35.1 (March 2008): 63-78.
“Confucianism, Corruption and the Public Ethos.” In Philosophical Reflections for Educators, ed. by Charlene Tan. 97-109. Singapore: Cengage Learning, 2008.
“The Good Life: Moral Education in a Consumer Society.” In Critical Perspectives on Values Education in Asia, ed. by Charlene Tan and Kim-chong Chong. 18-29. Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Critical Perspectives on Values Education in Asia. (co-ed. with Charlene Tan) Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Early Confucian Ethics. Chicago: Open Court, 2007.
“Virtue and Rightness: A Comparative Account.” In Conceptions of Virtue East and West, ed. by Kim-chong Chong and Yuli Liu. 59-77. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2006.
“Zhuangzi and the Nature of Metaphor.” Philosophy East and West (USA) 56.3 (July 2006): 370-391.
Conceptions of Virtue East and West. (co-ed.) Singapore: Marshall Cavendish, 2006. 301 pages.
“Metaphorical Use versus Metaphorical Essence: Examples from Chinese Philosophy.” In Davidson’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement, ed. by Bo Mou. 229-246. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
荀子與四種人性論觀點 [Xunzi and the Four Views on Human Nature].《國立政治大學哲學學報》[National Chengchi University Philosophical Journal] (Special Edition on “Xunzi in International Perspectives”) 11 (December 2003): 185-210.
The Moral Circle and the Self: Chinese and Western Approaches. (co-ed.) Chicago: Open Court, 2003. 307 pages.
“Autonomy in the Analects.” In The Moral Circle and the Self: Chinese and Western Approaches, ed. by Chong, Tan and Ten. 267-282. Chicago: Open Court, 2003.
“Xunzi’s Systematic Critique of Mencius.” Philosophy East and West (USA) 53.2 (April 2003): 215-233.
“Egoism in Chinese Ethics.” In Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, ed. by Antonio Cua. 241-246. New York: Routledge, 2003.
“Mengzi and Gaozi on ‘Nei’ and ‘Wai’.” In Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations, ed. by Alan Chan. 103-205. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002.
Altruistic Reveries: Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences. (co-ed.) Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. 187 pages.
“The Practice of Jen.” Philosophy East and West (USA) 49.3 (July 1999): 298-316.
“The Aesthetic Moral Personality: Li, Yi, Wen and Chih in the Analects.” Monumenta Serica (Germany) 46 (1998): 69-90. Also published as “Confucius’s Virtue Ethics: Li, Yi, Wen and Chih.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy (USA) 25 (1998): 101-130. (The latter was published without author’s permission.)
Moral Agoraphobia: The Challenge of Egoism. New York: Peter Lang, 1996. 104 pages.
Moral Perspectives. (ed.) Singapore: Singapore University Press and Centre for Advanced Studies, 1992. 150 pages.
“Egoism, Desires and Friendship.” American Philosophical Quarterly (USA) 21.4 (October 1984): 349-357.