Jianxiong MA (馬健雄)
PhD The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2007
Tel: 23587766
Email: hmjxm@ust.hk
Room No: 3342
Research Interests
Ethnicity; kinship; anthropology of borderland; ethnic minorities in China and in highland Southeast Asia.
Representative Publications
A. books
1. The Lahu Minority in Southwest China: A Response to Ethnic Marginalization on the Frontier, 254 pages, London: Routledge. Hardcover published in 2013. Paperback published in 2014.
2.《再造的祖先:西南边疆的族群动员与拉祜族的历史建构》 [Reinventing Ancestors: Ethnic Mobilization in China’s Southwest Frontier & the Historical Construction of Lahu], 256 pages, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. 2013.
B. Journal Articles
1. “The Mule Caravans of Western Yunnan: The Oral History of the Muleteers of Zhaozhou”. Co-authored with MA Cunzhao, Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies vol. 4, 3 (Winter) pp.24-42. 2014.
2. <失业矿工与地方军事化:清中期云南西部银矿业衰退与回民的族群动员> [Unemployed Miners and Local Militarization: Ethnic Mobilization of the Hui in the Decline of Silver Mining Industry since the Mid-Qing], 《民族学界》[Ethnologic Fields, National Chengchi University, Taipei], vol.34.. 2014.
3. “Salt and Revenue in the Frontier Formation: State Mobilized Ethnic Politics in Yunnan-Burma Borderland since the 1720s”. Modern Asian Studies, vol. 48, 6, pp. 1637-1669. 2014.
4. “The Rise of Gentry Power on the China-Burma Frontier since the 1870s: The Case of the Peng Family in Mianning, Southwest Yunnan”. International Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 11, 1, pp. 25–51. 2014.
5. “The Five Buddha Districts on the Yunnan-Burma Frontier: A Political System Attached to the State”. Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, vol. 2, 2, pp.478-505. 2013.
6. “Clustered Communities and Transportation Routes: The Wa Lands Neighboring the Lahu and the Dai on the Frontier”. The Journal of Burma Studies, vol. 17, 1, pp. 81-119. 2013.
7. 〈 “边防三老”:清末民初南段滇缅边疆上的国家代理人〉[Three Elders of Frontier Defense: State Agents and the Formation of Yunnan-Burma Frontier in Late Qing and Early Republic] 《历史人类学学刊》[Journal of History and Anthropology], vol. 10, no. 1, pp.87-122. 2012.
8. “Shaping of the Yunnan-Burma Frontier by Secret Societies since the End of the 17th Century”, Moussons n° 17, 2011-1, pp. 65-84. (Presses Universitaires de Provence, France). 2011.
9. “Marriage and Land Property: Bilateral Non-lineal Kinship and Communal Authority of the Lahu in Southwest Yunnan Frontier, China”. South East Asia Research, vol. 19, 3, pp. 495-536. 2011.
10. “Local Knowledge Constructed by the State: Reinterpreting Myths and Imagining Migration History of the Lahu in Yunnan, Southwest China”. Asian Ethnology, vol. 68, no.1, pp. 111-129. 2009.
11.〈哀牢山腹地的族群政治:清中前期‘改土归流’与‘倮黑’的兴起〉 [The Ethnic Politics in Ailao Mountains: Reforms to the Native Chieftain System since Earlier Qing and the Mobilization of the Lahu Identity] 《中央研究院历史语言研究所集刊》[The Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology], vol. 78, part 3, pp.553-602. 2007.
12.〈从‘倮匪’到‘拉祜族’:边疆化过程中的族群认同〉 [ 'Luo Bandits' to 'Lahu Nationality': Ethnic Identity in the Process of Border Formation]. 《历史人类学学刊》[Journal of History and Anthropology], vol. 2, no. 1, pp.1-32. 2004. 2007.
13.〈性别比、婚姻挤压与妇女迁移——以拉祜族和佤族之例看少数民族妇女的婚姻迁移问题〉 [Sex Ratio, Marriage Squeeze and Ethnic Females' Marriage Migration in China: A Case Study on the Lahu and the Wa] 《广西民族学院学报》[Journal of Guangxi University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition], vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 88-95. 2004.
14. 〈‘庙社’、‘普度’和‘风水’——民间信仰与深澳的社区组织〉 ['Miaoshe', 'Pudu' and 'Fenshui': Popular Religion and Communal Organization in Shenao]. 《潮学研究(第十辑)》[Study on Chaozhou, vol 10], pp. 287-317, Shantou: Shantou University Press. 2004.
15.〈社区认同的塑造:以勐海帕西傣社区为例〉 [The Creating of Communal Identity: The Case of Pashi-Dai in Menghai, Xishuangbanna]. 《云南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 [Journal of Yunnan University of Nationalities], vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 69-75.
C. Book Chapters
1. “Ethnic Minority Groups in Southwest China (Chapter 3)” & “Minority Response to Ethnic Marginalization (Chapter 13)”, in Handbook on Minorities in China, edited by Zang Xiaowei, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Pp20-36, & Pp364-382, 2016.
2. “The Mule Caravans as Cross-Border Networks: Local Bands and Their Stretch on the Frontier between Yunnan and Burma”, in Borders and the State of Myanmar, edited by Su-Ann Oh, Singapore: ISEAS Press. Pp237-257, 2016.
3. “Dike-based Communities between Water and Sand: The Sand-land Environmental System in Dongchong, South China, 1720s-1980s”, in Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History, edited by Ts’ui-jung Liu and James Beattie, London: Palgrave. Pp. 89-110, 2016.
4. “Mutual Interpretation of Identities and Local Knowledge: Anthropological Fieldwork Training Programs among Ethnic Minorities in Yunnan and Rural Communities in Pearl River Delta in Guangdong”, in Indigenous Culture and Education: Critical Perspectives from Asia, edited by James Hsing, New York: Springer. 263-285, 2016.
5.〈村庙与坝子水利:明初以来洱海北部三个坝子的社会转变〉[Village temples and Irrigation Systems in the Bazi Basins: Social Change in Three Basins in the Northern Erhai Lake Area since the Early Ming Dynasty], 收入赵敏主编[Edited by Zhao Min],《大理洱源县碑刻辑录》[The Collection of Inscriptions in Eryuan County],昆明:云南大学出版社[Yunnan University Press]. Pp. 1-20, 2016.
6. “The Zhaozhou Bazi Society in Yunnan: Historical Process in the Bazi Basin Environmental System during the Ming Period (1368-1643)”. In Environmental History in East Asia: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Ts'ui-jung Liu, London: Routledge, Pp. 131-155. 2014.
7. 〈日常生活中的“历史实践”:云南西南部拉祜族社会有关“幸福”、“权力”与“生命”的仪式与诠释〉[“The Practiced History” in Daily Life: The Rituals and Interpretations about ‘Fortunate’, ‘Power’ and ‘Life’ in the Lahu in Southwest Yunnan]. 末成道男、刘志伟、麻国庆主编[Edited by Fukyosha, Liu Zhiwei and Ma Guoqing], 《人类学与“历史”:第一届东亚人类学论坛报告集》 [Anthropology and ‘History’: The First Forum of East Asian Anthropology], 北京:社会科学文献出版社, [Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press]. Pp. 111-116. 2014.
8. 〈从碑刻看明清以来滇西赵州坝子的社会重建〉[Social Reconstruction of the Zhaozhou Bazi Society from the Ming to the Qing in the Perspective of Inscriptions Studies]. 郑振满主编[Edited by Zheng Zhenman], 《碑铭研究》 [The Study of Stone Insceriptions], 北京:社会科学文献出版社, [Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press]. Pp. 167-184. 2014.
9. “Re-form Hui Identity and the Communal Network in the Imperial Extension from Ming to Qing in Southwest Chinese Frontier”. In Charities in the Non-Western World: The Development and Regulation of Indigenous and Islamic Charities, edited by Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown and Justin Pierce. London & New York: Routledge. Pp. 147-170. 2013.
10. 〈导言:石碑上的“赵州坝子”生命史〉[Introduction: The Life History of “Zhaozhou Bazi’ on the Stone Inscriptions]. 马存兆编[Edited by Ma Cunzhao], 《大理凤仪古碑文集》 [The Collections of Ancient Inscriptions in Zhaozhou of Dali Area], 香港:香港科技大学华南研究中心, [Hong Kong: South China Research Center]. Pp. 3-24. 2013.
11. 〈 “牡帕密帕” 与木嘎拉祜的双边非谱系亲属制〉[Bilateral Non-lineal Kinship and the Creative Myth Creating Heaven, Creating Earth in the Lahu in Muga, Southern Yunnan]. 瞿明安、施传刚主编 [Edited by Qu Mingan and Chuan-kang Shih],《多样性与变迁:婚姻家庭的跨文化研究》 [Diversity and Change: Cross-Cultural Studies on Marriage and Family], 北京:知识产权出版社 [Intellectual Property Press], pp. 18-31. 2011.
12. 〈从仪式神话到国家非物质文化遗产:作为拉祜族文化标记的“牡帕密帕”〉[When an Ethnic Marker Becomes the Country's Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Lahu Myth, Creating Heaven and Earth, in Yunnan, Southwest China ],廖迪生主编 [LIU Tik-sang Edited],《非物质文化遗产与东亚地方社会》 [Intangible Cultural Heritage and Local Communities in East Asia], 香港:香港科技大学华南研究中心 [Hong Kong: South China Research Center, HKUST and Hong Kong Heritage Museum], pp. 393-418. 2011.
13.〈滇缅边疆史料的传奇〉[The Fantastic Story of Historical Materials on the Yunnan-Burmese Borderlands]石炳铭著《云起云落:血泪交织的边境传奇》(序言)[A Preface for Shi Bingming’s Rising Clouds: Tears and Blood on the Frontier], 台北:时报文化 [Taipei: Shibao Culture]. 2010.
14. “Reconstructing Lahu History in China”. In Challenging the Limits: Indigenous Peoples of the Mekong Region. Edited by Don McCaskill, Prasit Leepreecha and Kwanchewan Buadaeng, pp. 275-288, Chiang Mai, Thailand: Mekong Press. 2008.