Professor Chen received MA and PhD in Classical Chinese Literature from Fudan University and PhD in Modern Chinese Literature from Harvard University. His dissertations were on Ming literature of the Jiangnan regions and the literary culture in early Republican Shanghai. He taught at Fudan University and Oberlin College, Ohio, USA.
Research Interests
Chinese poetics and hermeneutics; Ming-Qing literature; Republican popular literature and print culture; modern Chinese “revolution” discourses and translation theories; Chinese literary and visual modernities.
Representative Publications
“The Peeping and the Gaze: Jin Ping Mei, the “Summer Pavilion” and Visual Culture in Late Imperial
China,” in Martin Powers and Katherine Tsiang, eds., Companion to Chinese Art. New Jersey:
Blackwell Publishing, 2012. (Under Contract)
“D. W. Griffith and the Birth of Chinese Cinema in Early 1920s,” in Carlos Rojas and Eileen Cheng-yin
Chow, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Cinema. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.
(Under Contract)
《雕籠與火鳥》[Refined Cage and Fire Bird], 上海:復旦大學出版社,2011,312頁。
《禮拜六的晚上――周瘦鵑〈上海畫報〉文編》[The Saturday Night: Selections of Zhou Shoujuan’s
Essays from the Shanghai Pictorial Magazine(編輯), 上海書店出版社, 2011,438頁。
《從革命到共和――清末至民國時期文學、電影和文化的轉型》[From Revolution to the Republic: The
Transformation of Literature, Film and Culture in the Late Qing and Republican Period],桂林:廣西師
《亂世薩克斯風》[Saxophone in Turmoil],廣州:花城出版社,2009,229頁。(Poetry Anthology)
“World Revolution Knocking at the Heavenly Gate: Kang Youwei and His Use of Geming in 1898,”
Journal of Modern Chinese History (London: Routledge), Vol. 5, No 1, June 2011, 89-108.
“Revolution: From Literary Revolution to Revolutionary Literature,” in Ban Wang, ed., Words and Their
Stories: Essays on the Language of Chinese Revolution. Leiden: Brill, 2010, 15-32
“An Archaeology of Repressed Popularity: Zhou Shoujuan, Mao Dun, and Their 1920s Literary
Polemics.” In Rethinking Chinese Popular Culture: Cannibalization of the Canon, eds., Carlos Rojas
and Eileen Cheng-yin Chow. New York: Routledge, 2009, 91-114.
“The North Expedition and Revolution Plus Love Fiction,” in Chinese Revolution and Chinese
Literature, eds., Tao Dongfeng Yang Xiaobin, Rosemary Roberts and Yang Ling. London: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing, 2009, 163-178.
〈論周瘦鵑「影戲小說」:早期歐美電影的翻譯與文學文化新景觀,1914-1917〉[Zhou Shoujuan's 'Movie
Fiction': The Translation of Early European American Films and New Vista of Literary Culture],《現代
中文文學學報》[Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese],第10卷,第2期 (Forthcoming, Oct. 2011)。
〈抒情傳統的上海雜交:周瘦鵑言情小說與歐美現代文學文化〉[Lyric Tradition and Shanghai Hybridity:
Zhou Shoujuan's Love Stories and Modern European and American Literary Culture] ,《中山大學學
報》[Journal of Sun Yat-sen University] (Forthcoming, Nov. 2011)。
〈電影與腦:主體意識的視覺建構:以周瘦鵑小說《紅顏知己》為中心〉[The Cinema and Human Brain: Visual Construction of Modern Subjectivity in Zhou Shoujuan's Novella The Intimate Beauty],載於黃愛玲主編: 《中國電影溯源》,香港:香港電影資料館,2011,頁250-263。
〈文人從影――周瘦鵑與中國早期電影〉[Writers Entering the Film Industry: Zhou Shoujuan and Early Chinese Cinema],《電影藝術》[Film Art],(Forthcoming, Nov. 2011)。
〈辛亥:死活都要「革命」〉[No Choice But "Revolution"],《二十一世紀》[The Twenty-First Century],第127期(2011年10月),頁57-66。
〈民國初期周瘦鵑的心理小說:兼論「禮拜六派」與「鴛鴦蝴蝶派」之別〉[Zhou Shoujuan's
Psychological Fiction in Early Republican Era: The Difference between the Saturday School and
Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies School],《現代中文學刊》[Journal of Modern China Studies],第11期
〈從「心」到「腦」:中國思想主體的語言建構〉[From Heart to Brain: Linguistic Construction of
Thinking Subjectivity in Modern China],《二十一世紀》[Twenty-First Century Bimonthly],第123期
〈狼來了:新世紀中國的價值轉向〉[Wolf Comes! Change of Values in Twenty-First Century China],
《二十一世紀》[Twenty-First Century Bimonthly],第121期 (2010年10月),頁44-48。
〈張愛玲與塞尚:1940年代的「寫實」與「超寫實主義」〉Eileen Chang and Sezanne: Realism and
Surrealism in the 1940s],《中國圖書評論》{China Book Review],第224期 (2009年10月)。
〈共和憲政與家國想像:周瘦鵑與《申報•自由談》,1921-1926〉[Republican Constitution and
Imaginined Family ans State: Zhou Shoujuan and 'Free Talk' in Shenbao],載于李金詮主編:《文人論
〈張愛玲「晚期風格」初探〉[A preliminary Study of Eileen Chang's 'Late Style']。載于王德威、陳思和、
許子東編:《一九四九之後》[After 1949],香港:牛津大學出版社,2010,頁382-408。
〈殷明珠與20世紀20年代初好萊塢明星文化〉[Yin Mingzhu and Hollywood Star Culture in the 1920S
Shanghai,《電影藝術》[Film Art],第329期(2009年11月),頁120-126。
〈欲的凝視:《金瓶梅詞話》的敍述方法、視覺與性別〉[The Gaze of Desire: Narrative Method, Visuality,
and Gender in Jin Ping Mei cihua],載于王璦玲、胡曉真主編:《經典轉化與明清敍事文學》The
Transformation of Classics and Ming-Qing Narrative Literature],臺北:聯經,2009,頁97-129。
〈凝視與窺視:李漁《夏宜樓》與明清視覺文化〉[The Gaze and the Peeping: Li Yu’s “Summer Pavilion”
and Ming-Qing Visual Culture].《政大中文學報》[Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature,
National Chengchi University] 9 (June 2008): 25-54.
“Canon Formation and Linguistic Turn: Literary Debates in Republican China, 1919-1949.” In Beyond
the May Fourth Paradigm: In Search for Chinese Modernity, ed. by Kai-Wing Chow, Tze-ki Hon, Hung-
yok Ip, and Don C. Price. 51-67. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2008.
《革命與形式:茅盾早期小說的現代性展開》[Revolution and Form: Literary Modernity in Mao Dun’s Early
Fiction]. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2007. 288 pages.
例〉[Debates between the New and Old Literature and the Transformation of Literary Public Space in
the 1920s: Focusing on the “Correspondent” and “Discussion” Columns]. In《中國近代思想史的轉型時
代:張灝院士七秩祝壽論文集》[The Transformative Time in Modern Chinese Intellectual History: In
Honor of Hao Chang’s Seventy Birthday Anniversary], ed. by Wang Fan-sen. 429-462. Taipei: Linking
Books Company, 2007.
〈中國電影批評的先驅:周瘦鵑《影戲話》讀解〉[Pioneer of Chinese Film Criticism: A Reading of Zhou
Shoujuan’s “Shadow-play Discourses”]. In《現代中國》[Studies of Modern China] (No. 9), ed. by Chen
Pingyuan. 53-76. Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2007.
“Mao Dun’s Rainbow: A Modern Epic and Bildungsroman Novel in 20th-Century China.” In L’Oriente
Storia di una figura nelle arti occidentali (1700-2000) [The Orient: History of a Figure in Western Arts
(1700-2000)] (Second Volume), ed. by Paolo Amalfitano and Loretta Innocenti. 57-77. Rome: Bulzoni
Editore, 2007.
“Xu Zhenya.” In Chinese Fiction Writers, 1900-1949 (Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 328), ed.
by Thomas Moran. 257-263. New York: Clark Layman Book, 2007.
〈試論晚明文學「現代性」:杜麗娘「遊園驚夢」新解〉[On the Modernity of Late Ming Literature: New
Interpretation of Du Liniang’s “Awakening from a Dream in the Garden”]. In《中國文學傳統與現代的對
話》[Dialogues between Tradition and Modernity in Chinese Literature], ed. by Zhang Hongsheng and
Qian Naixiu. 234-251. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2007.
〈質疑理性、反諷自我:張愛玲《傳奇》與奇幻小說現代性〉[Questioning Reason and Problematizing
the Self: Eileen Chang’s Chuanqi and the Modernity of Fantanstic Fiction].《中外文學》[Chung Wai
Literary Monthly] 35.3 (August 2006): 109-130. Included in《張愛玲:文學 · 電影 · 舞臺》[Eileen Chang:
Literature, Cinema, and the Stage], ed. by Xingqian Lin. 230-266. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press,
《帝制末與世紀末:中國文學文化考論》[Chinese Literary Culture in the Ages of Late Dynasties and the
1990s Globalization]. Shanghai: Shanghai Education Press, 2006. 324 pages.
《陳建華詩選》[Selected Poems of Chen Jianhua]. Guangzhou: Flower-city Publishing House, 2006.
239 pages.
〈拿破崙與晚清「小說界革命」:從《泰西新史攬要》到《泰西歷史演義》〉[Napoleon and the
Revolution in Late Qing Fiction: From An Outline of New Western History to The Romance of Western
History].《漢學研究》[Chinese Studies] 23.2 (December 2005): 321-354.
〈從「以詩證史」到「以史證詩」:讀陳寅恪《柳如是別傳》劄記〉[From Poetic Historicism to Historical
Poetics: Notes on Chen Yinke’s Unofficial Biography of Liu Rushi].《復旦學報》[Fudan Journal] 6
(November 2005): 74-82.
“Zhu Xi’s Poetic Hermeneutics and the Polemics of the ‘Licentious Poems’.” In Interpretation and
Intellectual Change: Chinese Hermeneutics in Historical Perspective, ed. by Ching-I Tu. 133-148. New
Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 2005.
“The ‘Linguistic Turn’ in 1990s China and Globalization.” In Critical Zone 1: A Forum of Chinese and
Western Knowledge, ed. by Q.S. Tong, Wang Shouren, and Douglas Kerr. 119-138. Hong Kong:
Hong Kong University Press, 2004.
“The Late Qing Poetry Revolution: Liang Qichao, Huang Zunxian, and Chinese Literary Modernity.” In
The Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature, ed. by Joshua Mostow. 333-340. New
York: Columbia University Press, 2003.
“Zhou Shoujuan’s Love Stories and Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies Fiction.” In The Columbia
Companion to Modern East Asian Literature, ed. by Joshua Mostow. 355-363. New York: Columbia
University Press, 2003.
《去年夏天在紐約》[Last Summer in New York]. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 2001. 147
“Formation of Modern Subjectivity and Essay: Zhou Shoujuan’s ‘In the Nine-Flower Curtain’.” In The
Modern Chinese Literary Essay: Defining the Chinese Self in the 20th Century, ed. by Martin Woesler.
41-66. Bochum: Bochum University Press, 2000.
《「革命」的現代性——中國革命話語考論》[The Modernity of “Geming”: Textual Studies of Revolution
Discourses in Modern China]. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2000. 372 pages.
“Chinese ‘Revolution’ in the Syntax of World Revolution.” In Tokens of Exchange: The Problem of
Translation in Global Circulations, ed. by Lydia H. Liu. 355-374. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.
《十四至十七世紀中國江浙地區社會意識與文學》[Social Consciousness and Literature in Jiangsu and
Zhejiang Provinces from the 14th to 17th Century]. Shanghai: Xuelin chubanshe, 1992. 436 pages.