David Cheng CHANG (常 成)
PhD University of California, San Diego, 2011
Tel: 23585867
Email: changcheng@ust.hk
Room No: 2350
Professor Chang received his Ph.D. in modern Chinese history from the University of California, San Diego. He studies the Cold War, US-China relations, and the social history of war and revolution as experienced by the common people, such as WWII interpreters and Korean War soldiers and prisoners. His first book, The Hijacked War: The Story of Chinese POWs in the Korean War, was published by Stanford University Press in 2020. He was the Radcliffe-Harvard Yenching Institute Fellow at Harvard University in 2021–2022.
Research Interests
Korean War; prisoners of war; China in WWII; history of translation and interpretation; Cold War international history; US-China relations
Representative Publications
2020. The Hijacked War: The Story of Chinese POWs in the Korean War. Stanford University Press, 2020. 496 pp.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Chapters
2023 (forthcoming). “Inflection Points: US-China-North Korea Relations in the Trump Years,” in Divided America, Divided Korea: The US and Korea During and After the Trump Years, edited by David P. Fields and Mitchell B. Lerner. Cambridge University Press.
2021. “‘Xinzhongguo’ de pantaozhe: hanzhan fangong zhanfu de shengsi taowang lu” 「新中國」的叛逃者:韓戰反共戰俘的生死逃亡路,1950–1954 [Defectors of the New China: The Perilous Escapes of Anti-Communist Prisoners in the Korean War]. In Jitihua shidai de Zhongguo: Ri-Zhong gongtong yanjiu 集體化時代的中國:日中共同研究 [China under Communist regime: Japan-China joint research], edited by Zhang Jishun and Ishikawa Yoshihiro, 63–103. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko 東洋文庫.
2019. Review of Gao Hua, How the Red Sun Rose: The Origins and Development of the Yan’an Rectification Movement, 1930–1945. Translated by Stacey Mosher and Guo Jian. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2019. Journal of Asian Studies 78, no. 4 (November 2019):898–902.
Other Publications:
2020. “Zhenshi de lishi, zhenzhi de linghun –Eyun yu Yu Jin” 跋: 真實的歷史、真摯的靈魂—《厄運》與于勁 [Factual history, truthful spirit: Eyun and Yu Jin], afterword to Yu Jin, 厄運 Eyun [Doomed fate], 565–599. Hong Kong: Tiandi Tushu (Cosmos Books).