Research Interests
History of China (Ming and Qing) and northern mainland South-east Asia; Formation of autonomous polities ; Role of technology in historical change.
Representative Publications
A. Scholarly Books
Sole-authored books
1. The Material Culture of Yunnan: Technology of Everyday life雲南物質文化―生活技術巻, Yunnan Education Publishing House雲南教育出版社、Kunming昆明、2000, pp. 371. [In Chinese]
2. Joseph Needham Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 6 Part III Agro-Industries: Sugarcane Technology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 539.
3. Sugarmakers of Muroto: A Survey of Sugar-making technology at Muroto, Kochi Prefecture, Japan, 1980-82, John Daniels, Sydney, 1983.
Edited books
1. Ming and Qing Stelae from Menghua (Weishan), Western Yunnan, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa東京外國語大學國立亞非語言文化研究所Tokyo東京、2015年3月 [In Chinese] Photographic reproductions of stelae from Menghua with a printed shiwen 釋文of the original.
2. The History and Culture of Upland Peoples in Southeast Asia 東南アジア大陸部 山地民の歴史と文化, Gensosha言叢社, , Tokyo東京, 2014, 349p . [In Japanese]
3. Old Documents Concerning the Minority Peoples of Western Yunnan: 1557-1943 雲南西部少數民族古文書集 Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa東京外國語大學國立亞非語言文化研究所 Tokyo東京、2011年3月31日 289頁 [In Chinese] Photographic reproductions of original official documents from Ming/Qing Yunnan with a printed shiwen 釋文of the original.
4. Co-edited with Yin Lun尹侖 and Zheng Jing鄭静 A Synopsis of Dai Old Manuscripts in Menglian County of Yunnan, China 中国雲南孟連傣文古籍編目Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe, 雲南民族出版社、Kunming昆明、2010年10月、4+8+732頁。[In Chinese] Annotated Catalogue of the Dai/Tay books held in libraries in Menglian county.
5. Co-edited with Shintani Tadahiko新谷忠彦 and Sonoe Mitsuru園江満The Tay Cultural Area of Laos; Material Culture, Language and Ethnic Groupsタイ文化圏の中のラオス:物質文化・言語・民族, Keiyusha,慶友社、Tokyo東京、2009年10月29日、401頁。[In Japanese] Collection of 8 research articles on the history, anthropology and linguistics of Northern Laos based on fieldwork and documents.
6. Collected Essays on the Environmental History of Monsoon Asia; Connecting regions with the Globe Vol. 2 The Environmental History of the Region 論集 モンスーンアジアの生態史―地域と地球をつなぐ第2巻 地域の生態史 Kobundo弘文堂、Tokyo東京、2008). 273頁 [In Japanese]
7. Stone Inscriptions Concerning the Environment and the Minority Peoples of Yunnan, China 中国雲南少数民族生態関連碑文集, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature總合地球環境學研究所、Kyoto京都、2008年3月31日、298頁 [In Chinese and Japanese]. Photographic reproductions of 51 stone inscriptions concerning environmental protection in Yunnan, each photograph is accompanied by a shiwen 釋文, and 35 inscriptions have a Japanese translation and carry data concerning its’ present location and condition.
8. Co-edited with Momoki Shiro桃木至朗, Ogawa Hidefumi小川英文 et al, [New Edition] Cyclopedia of Southeast Asia (新版)東南アジアを知る辞典, Heibonsha平凡社、Tokyo, 2008年6月 732頁。 [In Japanese]
9. The Bright and Dark Sides to Knowledge Resources 知識資源の陰と陽、Kobundo弘文堂、Tokyo東京, 2007年12月、pp.322頁. Collection of research articles written on the completion of the Grant-in-Aid Sharing and Secrecy of Knowledge Resources.
10. International Workshop Remaking Traditional Knowledge; Knowledge as a Resource, Head Office of the Project on the Distribution and Sharing of Resources in Symbolic and Ecological Systems: Integrative Model-Building in Anthropology, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2006年 2月 15日pp. 193. Collection of research articles presented at the International Conference organised by Daniels as part of Grant-in-Aid project Sharing and Secrecy of Knowledge Resources.
11. Co-edited with Yin Shaoting, A Synopsis of Dai Old Manuscripts in Gengma County of Yunnan, China 中国雲南耿馬傣文古籍編目』Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe, 雲南民族出版社、Kunming昆明、2005年12月、8+8+728頁。[In Chinese] Annotated Catalogue of the Dai/Tay books held in libraries in Gengma county
12. Co-edited with Yang Yougeng楊有賡 and Takeuchi Fusaji武内房司 Old Forestry Contracts of the Miao in Guizhou, 1736-1950, 『貴州苗族林業契約文書匯編(一七三六~一九五〇年) 3 Volumes, University of Tokyo Press、東京大學出版会、Tokyo 東京, 2005年1月11日 [In Chinese] Forestry documents from the Qingshui area in Guizhou reproduced with photographs of the original and a printed Shiwen 釋文of the original. Volume 3 pp. 1-190 contains five research articles on forestry in Guizhou.
13. Co-edited with Watabe Takeshi渡部武and Huo Wei霍巍, Traditional Culture and Everyday Technology in Sichuan 四川の伝統文化と生活技術, Keiyusha,慶友社、Tokyo東京、2003年8月、pp. 468. [In Japanese] Contains nine research articles based on field work and literary sources.
14. Co-edited with Yin Shaoting尹紹亭, Kuai Yongsheng快永勝Yue Xiaobao岳小保, A Synopsis of Dai Old Manuscripts in the Dehong Autonomous Region of Yunnan, China 中国雲南徳宏傣文古籍編目 Yunnan Minzu Chubanshe, 雲南民族出版社、Kunming, 2002年12月、5+36+881頁。[In Chinese] Annotated Catalogue of the Dai/Tay books held in Dehong.
15. Co-edited with Tabata Hisao田畑久夫Kanamaru Ryoko金丸良子, Shinmen Yasushi新免康, Matsuoka Masako松岡正子and Suo Wenqing索文清 A Dictionary of the Minority Peoples of China 中国少数民族事典、Tokyodo Shuppan東京堂出版,Tokyo東京、2001年9月28日、244頁。[In Japanese]
16. Co-edited with Watabe Takeshi 渡部武 Archaeology and Folklore in Sichuan 四川の考古と民俗、Keiyusha慶友社、Tokyo東京、1999. [In Japanese] Contains six research articles the history of agriculture and folklore based on field work and literary sources.
17. Co-edited with Suenari Michio and J.S.Eades, Pespectives on Chinese Society: Views from Japan, University of Kent at Canterbury and Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo, 1994. Collection of research articles on Chinese society by Japanese Anthropologists.
18. Co-edited with Watabe Takeshi 渡部武 Life and Technology in Yunnan 雲南の生活と技術Keiyusha慶友社、Tokyo東京、1994. pp.463. [In Japanese]. It contains eight research articles concerning everyday technologies that are based on field work and literary sources.
19. Co-edited with Linda Grove State and Society in China; Japanese Perspectives on Ming-Qing Social and Economic History. University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1984. Collection of translations of research articles by leading Japanese scholars on the social and economic history of Ming/Qing Period with an Introduction.
B. Journal Articles
1. “The Mongol-Yuan in Yunnan and ProtoTai/Tai Polities during the 13th-14th Century”, Journal of the Siam Society, Volume 106 (2018). Accepted for publication on 17 August 2017.
2. 《元代八百媳妇宣慰司使是否汉族》,《遵义师范学院学报》第19期 (2017年2月), pp. 15-19.
3. 《土流兼治地区中的土官施政:以滇西蒙化府左氏土官为例》,《清史论丛》第32期 (2016年12月01日), pp. 31-58. (‘Governance by Native Officials in Areas under joint Administration with State-Appointed Officials; the case of the Zuo Family Native Officials of Menghua Prefecture in Western Yunnan’)
4. “Introduction: Upland Peoples in the Making of History in Northern Continental Southeast Asia.” Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2013, pp. 5–27.
5. “Blocking the Path of Feral Pigs with Rotten Bamboo: The Role of Upland Peoples in the Crisis of a Tay Polity in Southwest Yunnan, 1792 to 1836.” Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2013, pp. 133–170.
6. “Script Without Buddhism: Burmese Influence on the Tay (Shan) Script of Mäng2 Maaw2 as seen in a Chinese Scroll Painting of 1407” International Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 9, Part 2 (July 2012), pp. 147-176.
7. “The protection and management of natural resources among local residents in Yunnan; the case of the Yuan River and Mekong river Areas from the second half of the Eighteenth Century until the first half of the Nineteenth Century”. 雲南地域住民の天然資源保護・管理―一八世紀後半~一九世紀前半の元江流域・メコン河上流域を事例として―. Ajia Yugaku”アジア・遊学 No.136号、2010年9月30日、104~112頁。[In Japanese]
8. “Theoretical Introduction: The path which Hill Peoples have followed” 総論:山地民があゆんできた道」Nature, Culture and Language自然と文化そしてことば, No.3, 2007年8月, pp.6-17 [In Japanese]
9. “Historical Memories of a Chinese Adventurer in a Tay Chronicle; Usurpation of the Throne of a Tay Polity in Yunnan, 1573~1584”, International Journal of Asian Studies, 3,1 (jan 2006) Cambridge University Press, pp.21~48.
10. “Between Historical Sources and Fiction: the lineage of a Tay ruler” 史料と虚構のあいだーあるタイ族国王の系譜. Rekishi Kagaku歴史科学No.182(2005年12月, pp. 52-71.
11. “The Dai/Tay depict the history of a ruler in this way; Historical memories of Haay Long”タイ族は国王の系譜をかく描けりーハーイ・ロンに対する歴史記憶 Ajia Yugakuアジア・遊学 No.67号、2004年9月5日、52~71頁。[In Japanese]
12. “The annexation of Sipsong Panna by the Qing Dynasty in 1729: An examination of hill peoples who rocked the foundations of a Tay kingdom”雍正七年清朝によるシプソンパンナー王国の直轄地化について-タイ系民族王国を揺るがす山地民に関する一考察―.Toyoshi Kenkyu『東洋史研究』62(4):, 2004, 694–728.[In Japanese]
13. “The Formation of Tai Polities Between the 13th and 16th Centuries: the role of technological transfer”, The Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko, No. 58 (2000), pp. 51-98. Reprinted in Geoff Wade Ed., China and Southeast Asia; Routledge Library on Southeast Asia, Volume II Southeast Asia and Ming China (from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century), Routledge, London and New York, 2008, pp. 295~343.
14. “Self-Autonomous Regimes in Southwest China and the Dai/Tay Cultural Area; Gaitu the case of gaitu guiliu in Sipsong Panna ” 西南中国・シャン文化圏における非漢族の自律的政権―シプソンパンナー王国の改土帰流を実例に―. Ajia Africa Bunka Kenkyujo Kenkyu Nenpo アジア・アフリカ文化研究所研究年報、No. 34, 2000年3月30日、pp. 56~70.[In Japanese]
15. “ How do we view the History of Minorities; An introduction to recent research”「少数民族の歴史をどうみるのかー近年の研究紹介をかねて. Ajia Yugakuアジア・遊学 No.9号、1999年10月20日、12~32頁。[In Japanese]
16. “East and West of the Salween River”サルウィン河の西と東 History and Geography 歴史と地理、Yamakawa Shuppansha 山川出版社、Tokyo東京, Part 1 No. 516、1998年8月20日、pp. 37―48、Part 2 No.518, 1998年11月20日、pp. 24~ 33. [In Japanese]
17. “Environmental Degradation, Forest Protection and Ethno-history in Yunnan (3) Nature Reserves and Non-Han Swidden Cultivators” Chinese Environmental History Newsletter, No. 2:2 (Nov. 1995), pp. 11-13.
18. “Environmental Degradation, Forest Protection and Ethno-history in Yunnan (2) Traditional Practices of Non-Han Swidden Cultivators for the Protection of Forests,” Chinese Environmental History Newsletter, No. 2:1 (May 1995), pp. 4-7.
19. “Techniques for Making Bamboo Paper in Fujian During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Tiangong Kaiwu papermaking technology in its historical context” 16-17世紀福建の竹紙製造技術―『天工開物』に詳述された製紙技術の時代考証.Journal of Asian and African Studies、 No. 48-49, 1995年1月、pp. 243~ 294. [In Japanese]
20. “Papermaking Technology of the Sipsong Panna Kingdom: A reconstruction from a survey of the Dai/Tay people in present-day Xishuang Panna” シプソンパンナ―王国の製紙技術西雙版納傣族の実地調査による再現― Shujitsu Historical Journal 就実女子大学史学論集、 No.9, 1994年12月、pp. 47~ 104. [In Japanese]
21. “Environmental Degradation, Forest Protection and Ethno-history in Yunnan (1) The Uprising by Swidden Agriculturalists in 1821,” Chinese Environmental History Newsletter, No. 1:2 (Nov. 1994), pp. 8-11.
22. “A Village where Women do not Pray: The Present Condition and History of Dai/Tay Muslims, Panthay in Xishuang Panna”女性の礼拝しない村―西雙版納傣族ムスリム・パーシーダイの現状と歴史 Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyujo Tsushin アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所通信、 No.80, 1994年3月、pp. 1~ 13. [In Japanese]
23. Co-authored with John Daniels “Sugarcane in Prehistory”, Archaeology in Oceania, No. 28, 1993, pp.1-7.
24. “The Transfer of Chinese Sugar-making Technology to Tokugawa Japan” 中国製糖技術の徳川日本への移転 Kokusai Koryu 国際交流(The Japan Foundation), No.59, 1992年9月、pp. 75~ 85. [In Japanese]
25. “The Transfer of Chinese production Technology to Northern Continental Southeast Asia : the case of the Pottery making technology in Dai/Tay society in Sipsong Panna during the Republican Period” 大陸部東南アジア北部への中国生産技術移転―民国シプソンパンナ―傣族社会における製陶技術を事例に History and Geography 歴史と地理, No.441, 1992年5月、pp. 1~ 14. [In Japanese]
26. Co-authored with John Daniels, Brian Roach, & N.H. Paton, “The taxonomic Status of Saccharum barberi Jeswiet and S. sinense Roxb.” Sugarcane, 1991, 3, pp. 11-16.
27. “The History of Sugar Technology and Forest Conservation Methods of the Dai/Tay Peoples in Sipsong Panna, Yunnan, China as Seen from a Field Survey” 雲南省西雙版納傣族の製糖技術と森林保護―現地調査に見えるその歴史Shujitsu Historical Journal 就実女子大学史学論集、 No.5, 1990年12月、pp. 233~ 302. [In Japanese]
28. Co-authored with John Daniels “The Origin of the Sugarcane roller Mill”, Technology and Culture, Vol. 29. No. 3 ,1988, pp. 493~535.
29. “The Adoption and Transfer of New Sugar-making Technology within South China during the Late Ming Early Qing Period”明末清初における新製糖技術体系の採用及び国内移転Shujitsu Historical Journal 就実女子大学史学論集、 No.3, 1988年10月、pp. 77~156. [In Japanese]
30. “The Structure of the Handicraft Scale Sugar Industry in South Taiwan Prior to 1860” 清代臺彎南部における製糖業の構造―特に1860年以前を中心として, Taiwan Kingendaishi Kenkyu 臺彎近現代史、1984年12月、pp. 47-113. [In Japanese]
31. “Chinese Sugar on the World and Domestic Sugar Markets in the Late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries” 中国砂糖の国際的位置―清末における在来砂糖市場について―, Shakai Keizai Shi 社会経済史、No. 54, 1984年10月、pp. 21-54. [In Japanese]
32. “The Handicraft Scale Sugar Industry and Merchant Capital in South Taiwan, 1870-95” 清末臺彎南部製糖業都商人資本―1870~1895. Toyo Gakuho、東洋學報No. 64:3-4, 1983年3月、pp. 65-102. [In Japanese]
33. Co-authored with John Daniels, Brian Roach, & N.H. Paton, “The taxonomic Status of Saccharum barberi Jeswiet and S. sinense Roxb. International Journal of Sugar Cane Breeders’ Newsletter, 1980, 43, pp. 24-38.
34. Co-authored with John Daniels, “The Indo-Iranian Soma Rite and the Development of the Indigenous Indian Sugarcane”. International Journal of Sugar Cane Breeders’ Newsletter, 1978, 42, pp. 14-19.
35. Co-authored with John Daniels, “Buddhism, Sugar and Sugarcane”. International Journal of Sugar Cane Breeders’ Newsletter, 1976, 38, pp. 35-60.
36 Co-authored with John Daniels, “A Note on Red Rot Disease, Physalospora tucumanensis Speg. and the Origin of Sugarcane”. International Journal of Sugar Cane Breeders’ Newsletter, 1976, 37, pp. 17-19.
37. Co-authored with John Daniels, “The Geographical, Historical, and Cultural Aspects of the Origin of Indian and Chinese Sugarcanes, S. barberi and S. sinense”. International Journal of Sugar Cane Breeders’ Newsletter, 1975, 36, pp. 4-123
C. Book Chapters
1. “试论改土归流后的土官:以云南蒙化左氏土官为例” 洪涛主编,副主编陈季军,付蓉, 郗玉松 《土司制度与土司文化新论》(北京,中央民族大学出版社,2016年9月), 228-242页。
2. “The protection and management of natural resources among local residents in Yunnan; the case of the Yuan River and Mekong river Areas from the second half of the Eighteenth Century until the first half of the Nineteenth Century”. 雲南地域住民の天然資源保護・管理―一八世紀後半~一九世紀前半の元江流域・メコン河上流域を事例として―in Mizushima Tsukasa水島司 編Ed., Kankyo ni Idomu Rekishigaku 『環境に挑む歴史学』 (Tokyo東京, Benseisha勉誠社, 2016年10月11日)、207~218頁。[In Japanese]
3. “A Literati Family in Menghua County in Western Yunnan in the Ming/Qing Period as Portrayed in Stelae” 明清滇西蒙化碑刻所傳士大夫研究―張錦蘊・張端亮・張遹栻・張辰照. In Tang Li 唐立Ed., Ming and Qing Stelae from Menghua (Weishan) 明清滇西蒙化碑刻, Western Yunnan, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa東京外國語大學國立亞非語言文化研究所Tokyo東京、March 2015 , pp. 3-54 [In Chinese].
4. “The Role of Upland Peoples in the Tay Polity of Mäng2 Khön1 in Southwest Yunnan: historical images gleaned from the civil war, 1792 to 1836. 雲南西南部タイ人政権における山地民の役割―一七九二年~一八三六年ムン・コーンにおける国内紛争から読み取れる史像” In Christian Daniels Edited, The History and Culture of Upland Peoples in Southeast Asia東南アジア大陸部 山地民の歴史と文化, Gensosha言叢社, , Tokyo東京, 2014, pp.107~152. [In Japanese]
5. “A Dai/Tay Polity in Yunnan Hemmed between the Qing and Konbaung States; internal strife between 1792 to 1815” 清朝とコンバウン朝の狭間にある雲南のタイ人政権―1792年~1815年までの国内紛争―. In Nagahara Yoko 永原陽子編 Ed; History Born, History Created ; from the frontline of historical research on Asia and Africa 生まれる歴史、創られる歴史―アジア・アフリカ史研究の最前線からー, Tosui Shobo刀水書房, Tokyo東京, 2011, pp. 55~91. [In Japanese]
6. “A Preliminary Investigation of Measures for the Civil Management of Natural Resources in Yunnan during the 18th and 19th Centuries” 18、19世紀雲南民間天然資源管理措施初探. In Yang Weibing 楊偉兵 The Environment and Society on the YunGui plateau since the Ming/Qing Period 明清以来雲貴高原的環境与社会, Dongfang Chuban Zhongxin東方出版中心、Shanghai上海、2010年6月,302~313頁。[In Chinese]
7. “Agricultural Technology and Consolidation of Tay Polities in Northern Continental Southeast Asia during the 15th Century”. In Geoff Wade and Sun Laichen Eds., Southeast Asia in the Fifteenth Century: The China Factor, Hong Kong University Press, 2010, pp.246~270.
8. “A Yunnanese (Haw ) History of Phongsaly; the case of the Fu Family which administered the Hill Peoples”雲南人(ホー)のポンサーリー史―山地民を統治した傅一族の事例を通して. In Shintani Tadahiko 新谷忠彦 Christian Daniels and Sonoe Mitsuru園江満 The Tay Cultural Area of Laos; Material Culture, Language and Ethnic Groups タイ文化圏の中のラオス:物質文化・言語・民族, Keiyusha,慶友社、Tokyo東京、2009年10月29日pp. 71~124頁. [In Japanese]
9. “Script as the Narrator; Oral Tradition and Literacy in Tay Maaw Chronicles”. In Kashinaga Masao Ed., Written Cultures in Mainland Southeast Asia, Senri Ethnological Studies 74: 173-192. 2009年3月31日。
10. “Introduction: How the Natural environment has been changed by human factors” 序論―自然環境はどのような人的要因によって改変されたてきたか.In Christian Daniels Ed., Collected Essays on the Environmental History of Monsoon Asia; Connecting regions of the Globe Vol. 2 The Environmental History of the Region 論集 モンスーンアジアの生態史―地域と地球をつなぐ第2巻 地域の生態史 Kobundo弘文堂、Tokyo東京、2008, pp.1-14. [In Japanese]
11. “Explanatory Article: Stelae inscriptions that narrate the history of humans and the environment” 解説:人間と環境をものがたる碑文. In Christian Daniels 唐立Stone Inscriptions Concerning the Environment and the Minority Peoples of Yunnan, China 中国雲南少数民族生態関連碑文集, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature総合地球環境学研究所、Kyoto京都、2008年3月31日、298頁、pp.3~22頁。[In Japanese]
12. “Introduction: The Bright and Dark Sides to Knowledge Resources”序論―知識資源の陰と陽 In Christian Daniels Ed., The Bright and Dark Sides to Knowledge Resources 知識資源の陰と陽、Kobundo 弘文堂、Tokyo東京, 2007年12月、pp.13~25. [In Japanese]
13. “Traditional Technological Knowledge as a Resource”資源としての伝統技術知識. In Uchibori Motomitsu 内堀基光 Ed.,Resources and Humans 資源と人間、Kobundo弘文堂、Tokyo東京, 2007年12月、pp. 75~108。[In Japanese]
14. “Chinese Drinking Customs and Toasts”中国の盃事と乾杯. In Kanzaki Nobutake Ed., 神崎宣武 The Cultural History of Toasting 乾杯の文化史, Domensu Publishingドメス出版、2007年10月、pp. 181~211。[In Japanese]
15. “Agriculture in the Kam region; the emergence of rice eating peasants who do not cultivate rice”カム地方の農業―稲作をしない米食農民の出現. In Watabe Takeshi渡部武 Christian Daniels and Huo Wei霍巍, Traditional Culture and Everyday Technology in Sichuan 四川の伝統文化と生活技術, Keiyusha,慶友社、Tokyo東京、2003年8月、pp.205~240. [In Japanese]
16. “The Beginnings of tree planting by the Miao people in the Qingshui River area” 清水流域の苗族が植林を開始するまでー林業経営へと駆り立てた諸因. In Yang Yougeng楊有賡 Christian Daniels 唐立and Takeuchi Fusaji武内房司 Old Forestry Contracts of the Miao in Guizhou, 1736-1950,貴州苗族林業契約文書匯編(一七三六~一九五〇年) 3 Volumes, University of Tokyo Press、東京大学出版会、Tokyo 東京, Volume 3、pp.9~48. [In Japanese]
17. “The Border between Southeast Asia and East Asia as seen from the history of the Dai/Tay Cultural Area”東南アジアと東アジアの境界-タイ文化圏の歴史から-. In Nakami Tatsuo Ed., 中見立夫編 Crossing Borders; East Asia as Seen from the Periphery 境界を越えて-東アジアの周縁から, Yamakawa Shuppansha山川出版社、Tokyo東京, 2002年3月, pp. 137~189. [In Japanese]
18. “Lo zucchero”, Storia Della Scienza, Estratto Dal Volume II Cina, India, Americhe, pp. 552-555,559-560, Istituto Della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001. [In Italian]
19. “Sugarcane Roller Mills in the Dai Cultural Area During the 19th and 20th Centuries; Technological Innovation without a Strong Market”, Historia E Tecnolgia Do Acucar, Centro De Estudos De Historia Do Atlantico Secretaria Regional Do Tursimo E Cultura, Funchal, 2000, pp. 389-417.
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