Charles Wing-hoi CHAN (陳榮開)
PhD University of Toronto, 1994
Adjunct Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University
Tel: 23587765
Email: hmwhchan@ust.hk
Room No: 3357
Professor Chan received both his BA and MPhil in history from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and earned his MA in Japanese Studies from Hiroshima University. He graduated with a PhD in East Asian Studies at the University of Toronto, where he compared the Neo-Confucianism of Chu Hsi in Sung China and the Ancient Learning of Ogyu Sorai in Tokugawa Japan. Before assuming duties here, he was instructor in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Toronto and lecturer at Huron College, University of Western Ontario. To conduct his researches on Ogyu Sorai and Chu Hsi, he has been Visiting Fellow to the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, Visiting Scholar to the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo, the Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University, and the Institute for Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Research Interests
Classical Confucianism; Sung and Ming Neo-Confucianism; Tokugawa Japanese Confucianism; comparative Chinese and Japanese thought and culture.
Representative Publications
〈朱子對《中庸章句》第二十二章的解讀〉〉 (On Chu Hsi’s reading of cCapter XXII of the Chung-yung). In 《哲學與時代:朱子學國際學術研討會論文集》. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2012, 208-32.
〈朱子對《中庸章句》「誠明」章的剖析與解讀〉 (On Chu Hsi’s analysis and reading of Chapter XXI of the Chung-yung). In《人文與價值:朱子學國際學術研討會暨朱子誕辰880周年紀念會論文集》. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2011, 610-24.
〈首尾接續,血脈通貫──朱子對《中庸章句》第二十章縝密結構的分析〉. 《中國哲學與文化》(Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture) 5 (Jun 2009), 151-184.
〈朱子《中庸》結構說(中)〉 (On Zhu Xi’s analysis of the structure of the Chung-yung [II] ). In《宋代新儒學的精神世界——以朱子學為中心》. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2009, 429-468.
〈朱子《中庸》結構說 (上)〉. In《儒學、文化與宗教——劉述先教授七秩壽慶學術研討會論文集》. Taipei: Taiwan Hsueh Sheng Shu Chu, 2006, 63-96.
〈吉川幸次郎〈徂徠學案〉析論〉. 《中央研究院中國文哲研究集刋》 19 (2001): 499-550.
〈朱子‧徂徠《中庸》說初探〉. In《天人之際與人禽之辨——比較與多元的觀點》. Hong Kong: New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001, 145-171.
〈荻生徂徠的朱子學批判——對丸山說的檢討〉. In 《儒家思想在現代東亞:日本篇》. Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 1999, 181-217.
“On Ogyu Sorai’s Critique of Chu Hsi’s Program of Learning to be a Sage.” Monumenta Serica 46 (1998), 195-232.
“Confucius and Political Loyalism: The Dilemma.” Monumenta Serica 44 (1996), 25-99.