Professor Li earned his MA and PhD from Xiamen University and finished his Postdoctoral research at the University of Michigan. He taught at Tsinghua University in Beijing before joining the faculty of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Research Interests
Chinese social and economic history; Ming and Qing history; Chinese military history; comparative history.
Representative Publications
《中國的早期近代經濟--1820年代華亭-婁縣地區GDP研究》[China’s Early Modern Economy: A Study of GDP of the Huating-Lou Area in the 1820s]. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2010.
《千里史學文存》[Collected Works of Qianli]. Hangzhou: Hangzhou chubanshe, 2004.
《多視角看歷史:南宋後期至清代中期的江南經濟》[Economic History of the Yangzi Delta in Multiple Perspectives, 960-1850]. Beijing: Sanlian shubian, 2003.
《理論、方法與發展趨勢:中國經濟史研究新探》[Theories, Methods and Trends of Disciplinary Development: A New Approach to Chinese Economic History]. Beijing: Qinghua daxue chubanshe, 2002. The Korean edition (translated by 李和承), Seoul: Book World Press, 2005.
《發展與制約:江南農業生產力研究》[Development and its Limitations: A Study of Productive Forces in the Yangzi Delta during the Ming-Qing Times]. Taipei: Lienching Publishing Co., 2002.
《江南的早期工業化,1550-1850》[Early Industrialization in the Yangzi Delta, 1550-1850]. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe, 2000 (first edition); Beijing: Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2009 (revised edition).
Agricultural Development in Jiangnan, 1620-1850. Houndmills and London: Macmillan Press Ltd., and New York: St. Martin Press Inc., 1998. The Chinese edition《江南農業的發展,1620-1830》[Jiangnan nongye de fazhan, 1620-1830] (translated by Wang Xiangyun). Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2006.
《唐代江南農業的發展》[Agricultural Development in the Yangzi Delta during the Tang Dynasty). Beijing: Nongye chubanshe, 1990 (first edition); Beijing: Peking daxue chubanshe, 2009 (second edition).