A Hong Kong native educated all the way through secondary school in Cantonese, my native language, I started to have regular exposure to the English and Mandarin Chinese languages only after I entered New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, at the age of 20. Since then it has been a long journey, which includes three years of my Ph.D. studies in Australia as Commonwealth Scholar, to learn to function in these languages as a researcher. Ever since I started teaching at universities more than 30 years ago, I have been committed to promoting globalisation (or glocalization, to use a more accurate and contemporary term) of higher education partly because of my earlier struggles with overcoming language barriers and the resulting sense of empowerment and fulfilment that I enjoy today. My primary research interest concerns creating knowledge interweaving the elements of prosperity, justice, space and identity in historical perspective. My ongoing research projects, which help me understand these four elements better, are (a) a comparative study of entrepreneurship, morality and law in the book industry in Japan, China and UK in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and (b) a comparative study of naturalism and constitutional theories in the works of Katō Hiroyuki, John Wu, Axel Hägerström, Frede Castberg and Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr, among others. Apart from academic pursuits, I was active in the music scene when I was young. I was a bass guitarist of rock band The Menace in Hong Kong in the early 1970s and then a member of The Hong Kong Oratorio Society singing tenor to perform J. S. Bach's Mass in B Minor. I am not very athletic but I enjoy playing tennis especially with my wife whenever I have time.
Research Interests
Chinese legal history and legal culture (esp. legal reforms); Chinese business history and business culture (esp. corporate history, corporate law, and corporate governance); institutional economic history of late Imperial and Republican China; historical GIS; Chinese urban history; global history of identity; comparative studies of Meiji Japan and modern China (esp. legal transplant, corporate law, legal culture, jurisprudence, and constitutionalism); history of textbook publishing; history of China’s interaction with non-Chinese cultures; history of Song China
Representative Publications
A. Scholarly Books
Edited book
1. Co-edited with Ramon H. Myers. Treaty-port Economy in Modern China近代中國的條約港經濟 (translated version of Treaty-port Economy in Modern China). Beijing: Hangzhou University Press, 2013. [Chinese]
2. Co-edited with Madeleine Zelin, Cultural Narratives of Urban Space in Republican Chinese Cities. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2013.
3. The Economy of Lower Yangzi Delta in Late Imperial China: Connecting Money, Market, and Institutions. London: Routledge; Academia Sinica on East Asia Series, 2012.
4. Urban Space and Cultural Dynamics in Modern Chinese Cities中國近代城市文化的動態發展:人文空間的新視野. Beijing: Zhejiang University Press, 2012. [Chinese]
5. Co-edited with David W. Wong. “Historical Mapping and GIS: Special Issue.” Annals of GIS 18.1 (2012).
6. Co-edited with Ramon H. Myers. Treaty-port Economy in Modern China: Empirical Studies of Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Berkeley: Institution of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 2011; an updated and electronic edition, 2016
7. Co-edited with John Fitzgerald, Huang Jianli, and James K. Chin. Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Wang Gungwu. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003 (March).
Single- or co-authored books
8. Co-authored with Sufumi So. Entrepreneurship, Law, and Morality in Modern Economic Transformation of Japan and China: The Business Dilemma Tales of Two National Textbook Corporations. London: Routledge, accepted for publication with a book contract.
9. An Exposition of Zitong’s Prosperous Past刺桐夢華錄 (translated version of Prosperity, Region, and Institutions in Maritime China). Beijing: Zhejiang University Press, 2012. [Chinese]
10. Prosperity, Region, and Institutions in Maritime China: The South Fukien Pattern, 946-1368. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center and Harvard University Press, 2000.
11. Studies in the Legal History of Tang and Song China唐宋法制史研究. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1996. [Chinese]
12. Studies in the Historical Geography of Tang-Song South Fujian唐宋時期閩南泉州史地論稿. Taipei: Commercial Press, 1991. [Chinese]
B. Journal Articles
1. Co-authored with Sufumi So, “Entrepreneurship of Textbook Business in Modern East Asia: Kinkōdō of Meiji Japan and The Commercial Press of Early-twentieth-century China.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (Cambridge), accepted, forthcoming.
2. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “Did the Commercial Press Register in Hong Kong in 1905? 早期商务在香港注册的商榷.” Journal of Shanghai Studies上海學4 (2016.11) (Shanghai Academy of Social Science), pp.32-44. [Chinese]
3. “Law Without Heaven: Impact of Yan Fu’s Translation of Evolution and Ethics by Thomas Huxley on the Chinese Legal Culture in the Early Twentieth Century有法無天?嚴復譯《天演論》對20世紀初中國法律的影響.” Tsinghua Law Journal清華法學, 2012, vol.6, no.5, pp.1-24. [Chinese]
4. Co-authored with Zhang Peiyao, David W. Wong, and Lin Hui, “An Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Western Medical Services in Republican Beijing.” Applied Geography 32 (2012) (Elsevier). pp.556-565.
5. Co-authored with David W. Wong, Zhang Peiyao, and Lin Hui, “Addressing Quality Issues of Historical GIS Data: An Example of Republican Beijing.” Annals of GIS 18.1 (2012)(Routledge), pp.17-29.
6. Co-authored with Michael H. K. Ng, Zhang Peiyao, and Lin Hui, “GIS in Urban Cultural Studies: Reflections from the Project on Republican Beijing.” Annals of GIS 18.1 (2012), pp.81-92.
7. Co-authored with David W. Wong, “Foreword.” Annals of GIS 18.1 (2012), pp.1-2.
8. Co-authored with K.C. Tam譚家齊. “A Study of the Scale of Depopulation in Songjiang Prefecture and Its Adjacent Regions during the Ming-Qing Dynastic Transition. 明末清初松江府及其周邊地區的人口損失與歷史人口估算” Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) 清華大學學報(哲社版). 2011. Issue no.6. pp.45-54. [Chinese]
9. “Chinese Legal Reforms in Historical and Comparative Perspective: The Legal Reforms of the 1990s and the 1070s.” Hong Kong Law Journal 40.1 (2010). pp.175-198.
10. “The “Chinese Legal Family” in Modern Jurisprudential Interpretation—Property Rights and Contracts.現代法學詮釋中的 ‘中華法系’-以產權與合約為中心” Legal Science法學(Shanghai) 2006, no.12. pp.62-68. [Chinese]
11. “Logiques de marché dans la Chine maritime: Espace et institutions dans deux régions préindustrielles.” Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales (Paris) 61.6, Nov-Dec., 2006. pp.1261-1288. [French]
12. Co-authored with K.C. Tam譚家齊, “Was The Chief Grand Secretary Bribed? Bribery Charges Against Zhang Juzheng in Light of his Anti-corruption Ideas and of Ming Laws首輔貪污?--從反貪思想和法律角度論張居正的貪污罪狀.” Journal of Chinese Studies中國文化研究所學報 (Hong Kong) 12, 2003. pp.225-242. [Chinese]
13. “Space and Institution in Chinese Economic History: Insights from the Case of South Fujian in Song and Yuan Periods. 中國經濟史的空間與制度:宋元閩南個案的啟示” Historical Studies歷史研究(Beijing) 2003, no.1. pp.35-43. [Chinese]
14. “Space and Institutions in History: A Case from Maritime China, 10th to 14th Centuries.” Études chinoises (Paris) 21.1-2, 2002. pp.149-183.
15. Co-authored with Sufumi So, “Population Growth and Maritime Prosperity: The Case of Ch’üan-chou in a Comparative Perspective, 946-1368.” Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient (Ann Arbor, MI) 45.1, 2002. pp.96-127.
16. “Dissolving Hegemony or Changing Trade Pattern? Srivijayan Images in the Chinese Sources of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Cambridge) 29.2, 1998. pp.295-308.
17. “Legal Reasoning in Sung China: Criminal Liability in Homicide Cases.” Istoria (Hong Kong) 3, 1998. pp.109-142.
18. “Agricultural Breakthrough and Commercial Expansion: The Case of Southern Fukien during the Northern Sung.” Istoria (Hong Kong) 2, 1996. pp.101-119.
19. “Chinese Identity in the Traditional Context: The Case of Zayton.” Humanities Bulletin, Faculty of Arts, CUHK (Hong Kong) 2, 1995. 49-56.
20. “Developments of Fukien under the T’ang and the Min.” Journal of the American Oriental Society (Ann Arbor, MI) 115.3, 1995. pp.443-451.
21. “The Case of A Yn: A Textual Review of Some Crucial Facts.” East Asian Library Journal (Princeton, NJ) 7.2, 1994. pp.41-71.
22. “The Trade Ceramics Industry in South Fukien during the Sung.” Journal of Sung & Yuan Studies (Albany, NY) 24, 1994. pp.1-19.
23. “The Development Process of Fujian from Han to Sui.” Xuecong: Journal of Chinese Studies (Singapore) 3, 1991. pp.281-294.
24. “Financial Crisis and Local Economy: Ch’an-chou in the Thirteenth Century.” T’oung Pao (Leiden) 77, 1991. pp.119-137.
25. “The Seaport of Djanfou in Tang China.” Xuecong: Journal of Chinese Studies (Singapore) 2, 1990. pp.305-324.
26. “Song Maritime Regulations and Its Effect on the Maritime Trade in Quanzhou before the Year 1087.” Xuecong: Journal of Chinese Studies (Singapore) 1, 1989. pp.255-266.
27. “The System for Registration of Households and Population in the Sung Dynasty – An Institutional Analysis.” Papers on Far Eastern History (Canberra) 25, 1982. pp.1-29.
C. Book Chapters
28. “Law and economy.” In Ma Debin and Richard von Glenn eds., Cambridge Economic History of China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, commissioned, forthcoming.
29. Co-authored with Sufumi So, “Commercial Arbitration Transplanted: A Tale of the Book Industry in Modern Shanghai.” In Yun Zhao and Michael Ng eds., Chinese Legal Reform and Global Legal Order. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, accepted, forthcoming.
30. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “The Commercial Press at Its Early Stages and Hong Kong:Notes on Archival Materials早期商務與香港: 檔案史料劄記.” In Shangwu yinshuguan商務印書館 ed., The Commercial Press: A Collection of Papers in Commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of Its Founding商務印書館一百二十周年記念論文集. Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, accepted, forthcoming. [Chinese]
31. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “The Constitutional Concepts of John C. H. Wu and Katō Hiroyuki加藤弘之與吳經熊的宪法理念.” In Gao Xiang 高祥 ed., Interaction between Legal Systems and Convergence of Law in the Contemporary World當代法律比較研究與法律融合. Beijing: Zhongguo zhengfa daxue chubanshe, accepted, forthcoming. [Chinese]
32. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “The Constitutional Naturalism of John C. H. Wu and His Difference from Katō Hiroyuki吳經熊的宪法自然主义-兼論其與加藤弘之的異同.” In Xu Zhangrun 許章潤, Tu Kai屠凱, Li Yida 李達一eds., Guojia jianguo yu falü wenming 國家建構與法律文明. Beijing: Falü chubanshe,2016. pp.256-279. [Chinese]
33. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “Aspects of Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts in Shanghai in the Early 20th Century as Seen in a Letter from a Japanese Staff Member of the Commercial Press 20世纪初上海中日文化交往的一个侧面—从商务印书馆某位日员的通信说起.” In Zou Zhenhuan 鄒振环, Huang Jingbin黃敬斌ed., Changes in Society and Culture of Ming-Qing Jiangnan 變化中的明清江南社會與文化. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2016. pp.307-323. [Chinese]
34. “People in mind, past and present; Chinese in heart, under the Heaven-A prologue 古今生民命,天下華人心 ─ 代序.” In Wang Gungwu王賡武, Chinese Under the Heave天下華人. Guangzhou: Guangdong renmin chubanshe, 2016. pp.1-9. [Chinese]
35. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “Court Adjudication and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce for Commercial Dispute Resolution in Late Qing and Early Republican China: A Legal Cultural History of the Shanghai Publishing Industry清末民初解决商业纠纷的法庭裁判与商会公断 —上海书业所见的法律文化变迁史.” In Xu Zhangrun 許章潤 ed., A Legal Narrative for the Chinese Civilization文化中國的法意叙事. Beijing: Falü chubanshe, 2015. pp.190-209. [Chinese]
36. “History of Relevance: Concepts and Practice of Public History in Hong Kong 入世的史學:香港公众史學的理論與實踐 .” In Elizabeth Perry and Chen Hongmin 陳紅民 eds., What is the Best King of History? 什麼是最好的歷史學. Hangzhou: Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2015. pp.1-17. [Chinese]
37. Co-authored with Ka-chai Tam, “The HGIS Experience of Drawing Sub-county Unit Boundaries in the Jiangnan Region of Late Imperial China.” In Mei-po Kwan, Douglas Richardson, DonggenWang, and Chenghu Zhou eds., Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience: Research Frontiers in the US and China. Dordrecht: Springler, 2015. pp.175-188.
38. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “A Textual Comparison of the Company Laws of Meiji Japan and China in Late-Qing and Early Republican Eras: With Focus on the Transplantation of Accountability Rules Regulating the Directors近代中日公司法條文的比較—以明治商法及晚清民初公司立法董事诚信问责条款的繼受为中心.” In Gao Xiang 高祥 ed., Interaction of Legal Systems and Convergence of Law in Contemporary World當代法律交往與法律融合. Beijing: Zhongguo zhengfa daxue chubanshe, 2013. pp.302-311. [Chinese]
39. Co-authored with Sufumi So蘇壽富美, “Convergence of Company Law in the Two cases of Meiji Japan and Modern China: With Focus on Statutory Control on the Directors公司法一体化前传—以明治商法及晚清民初公司立法的董事诚信问责条款为中心.” In Wang Baoshu 王保樹 ed., Collected Works on Commercial Law商事法論集. Vol. 23. Beijing: Falu chubanshe, 2013. pp.187-197. [Chinese]
40. Co-authored with Madeleine Zelin. “Republican Chinese Cities, Urban Space, and Cultural Narrative: A Prologue.” In Billy K. L. So and Madeleine Zelin, eds., Cultural Narratives of Urban Space in Republican Chinese Cities. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2013. pp.1-12.
41. Co-authored with Sufumi So, “Identity in Global History: A Reflection.” In Maxine Berg ed., Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2013. pp. 205-208.
42. Co-authored with Yu Yiwen尤怡文, Pearl Chih遲王明珠 and Sufumi So蘇壽富美. “Golden Harbor Press and Commercial Press: A Case of Interaction between Textbook Publishing Corporations of Modern China and Japan金港堂與商務印書館:中日近代教科書出版業的互動.” In Ben W.M. Ng 吳偉明ed., Searching for Modernity and Identity in Japan-China Interactions in the Modern Period在日本尋找中國—現代性及身份認同的中日互動. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2012. pp.205-222. [Chinese]
43. “Introduction前言.” In Billy K.L. So 蘇基朗ed., Urban Space and Cultural Dynamics in Modern Chinese Cities中國近代城市文化的動態發展:人文空間的新視野. Beijing: Zhejiang University Press, 2012. pp.1-9. [Chinese]
44. Co-authored with Zhang Peiyao張佩瑤, Lin Hui林琿 and Wang Fahui王法輝. “The Relationship between Chinese and Western Medical Services in Republican Beijing: A Historical GIS Perspective从历史GIS角度看民国北京中西医服务与城市交通的关系.” In Billy K.L. So ed., Urban Space and Cultural Dynamics in Modern Chinese Cities中國近代城市文化的動態發展:人文空間的新視野. Beijing: Zhejiang University Press, 2012. pp.84-98. [Chinese]
45. “Economic Values and Social Space in Historical Lower Yangzi Delta Market Economy: An Introductory Essay.” In Billy K.L. So ed., The Economy of Lower Yangzi Delta in Late Imperial China: Connecting Money, Market, and Institutes. London: Routledge; Academia Sinica on East Asia Series, 2012. pp.1-13.
46. “Institutions in Market Economies of Premodern Maritime China.” In Billy K.L. So ed., The Economy of Lower Yangzi Delta in Late Imperial China: Connecting Money, Market, and Institutes. London: Routledge; Academia Sinica on East Asia Series, 2012. pp.208-232.
47. Co-authored with K.C. Tam譚家齊. “A Study of the Scale of Depopulation in Songjiang Prefecture and Its Adjacent Regions during the Ming-Qing Dynastic Transition. 明清大松江府地區棉業市鎮布局與人口分布:一个HGIS的覌察.” In Zou Chenhuan鄒振环, Huang Jingbin黃敬斌 eds., Urban Development and Cultural Change in the Lower Yangzi Delta from the Ming and Qing times明清以來江南城市發展與文化交流. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2012. pp.207-223. [Chinese]
48. Co-authored with Albert S. Lee. “Legalization of Chinese Corporation, 1904-1929: Innovation and Continuity in Rules and Legislation.” In Billy K. L. So and Ramon H. Myers eds., Treaty-port Economy in Modern China: Empirical Studies of Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Chapter 9. Berkeley: Institution of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 2011. pp.185-210.
49. “Modern China’s Treaty-port Economy in Institutional Perspective: An Introductory Essay.” In Billy K. L. So and Ramon H. Myers eds., Treaty-port Economy in Modern China: Empirical Studies of Institutional Change and Economic Performance, Chapter 1. Berkeley: Institution of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 2011. pp.1-32.
50. Co-authored with Zhang Peiyao張佩瑤, Lin Hui林琿, and Liu Biao劉彪, “Spatial Analysis of the Medical Culture in Republican Beijing空間分析在民國北京醫療文化中的應用.” In Lin Hui林琿, Lai Jin-kuei 賴進貴and Zhou Zhenghu周成虎eds., Spatially Integrated Humanities and Social Science 空間綜合人文學與社會科學研究. Beijing: The Science Press, 2010. pp. 148-158. [Chinese]
51. “Law Courts, 1800-1949.” In David Pong ed., Encyclopedia of Modern China. 4 vols. Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2009, August. Vol.2, pp.438-440.
52. “Punishment and Status in Chinese law: Age.” In Stanley N. Katz ed., Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. 6 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, April. Vol.5, pp.45-47.
53. “Punishment and Status in Chinese law: Women.” In Stanley N. Katz ed., Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. 6 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, April. Vol.5, pp.56-57.
54. “Punishment and Status in Chinese law: Disability.” In Stanley N. Katz ed., Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History. 6 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009, April. Vol.5, pp.47-48.
55. “The Legal Institutions of Commodity Market in Premodern China. 中國前近代商品市場的法律機制─閩南與松江地區.” In China Society of Legal History 中國法制史學會 ed., Chinese Culture and the Rule of Law中國文化與法治. Beijing: Social Science Academic Press, 2007. pp.253-258. [Chinese]
56. “Legitimizing New Political Order Legally: Legal Reforms in Northern Song China.” In Leung Yuen-sang ed., The Legitimation of New Orders: Cases in World History. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007. pp.27-52.
57. “Regional Communication and Regional Integrations: Communicating in Southern Fukien in Southern Sung. 地域のコミュニケーションと地域の統合-南宋代の福建南部におけるコミュニケーション” In Shigeki Hirata, Takatoshi Endo and Motoshi Oka eds., Space and Communication in the Song Society. Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin, 2006.6. pp. 259-280. [Japanese]
58. Co-authored with Vincent Ho and K. C. Tam, “Overseas Trade and Local Economy in Ming and Qing China: Cotton Textiles Exports from the Jiangnan Region.” In Angela Schottenhammer ed., Trade and Transfer Across the East Asian ‘Mediterranean”. Wiesbadan: Otto Harrassowitz, 2005. pp. 163-184.
59. “Chinese Perception of Southeast Asia Around A.D. 1000.” In James Heitzman and W. Schenkluhn eds., The World in the Year 1000. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2004. pp. 293-302.
60. “Spatial Analysis of the Export Ceramics Industries in Southern Fujian, Guangdong, and Eastern Zhejiang during the Song and Yuan Periods. 兩宋閩南、廣東、浙東外貿瓷產業空間模式的一個比較分析.” In Li Bozhong 李伯重and Zhou Chunsheng 周春生ed., Urban Industries and Regional Cultures of Jiangnan, 960-1850江南的城市工業與地方文化 (960-1850). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2004. pp.141-192. [Chinese]
61. “Negotiating Chinese Identity in Five Dynasties Narratives: From the Old History to the New History.” In Billy So, et al. eds., Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Wang Gungwu. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2003. pp.223-238; “Introduction.” pp.1-9.
62. “Sung Criminal Justice and the Modern Implication of Chinese Legal Tradition.” In Liu Tseng-kuei ed., Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology, History Section: Law and Custom. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 2002. pp.63-107.
63. “Neo-Confucianism, Law, and Women’s Rights of Inheritance as Seen in a Verdict made by Huang Kan. 理學、法律與婦女財產權——關于黃榦的一件判詞.” In Han Yanlong韓延龍 ed., Studies on Chinese Legal History法律史論集. Vol.3. Beijing: The Legal Press, 2001. pp.479-492. [Chinese]
64. “Chinese Identity in Historical Perspective: Ch’üan-chou on the Eve of Mongol Conquest. 中國歷史上的華夏身分認同問題: 以蒙元之征服前夕的刺桐城為中心.” In Liu Shu-hsien 劉述仙and Leung Yuen-sang梁元生 eds., Continuity and Transformation of Cultural Traditions文化傳統的延續與轉化. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1998. pp.165-176. [Chinese]
65. “The Spatial Patterns of the Export Ceramic Industry in Southern Fukien and Kwang-tung under the Sung Dynasty: A Comparative Study. 兩宋閩南廣東外貿瓷產業的空間模式:一個比較分析.” In Sun Yat-sen Institute for Social Sciences & Philosophy, Academia Sinica中央研究院中山社會科學哲學研究所, ed., Essays on the History of Chinese Maritime Developments中國海洋發展史論文集. Taipei: SYS Institute for Social Sciences & Philosophy, Academia Sinica, 1997. pp.125-172. [Chinese]
66. “The Contemplation Theory of Shao Yung. 邵康節的‘以物觀物’致聖說.” In Sung Shee宋晞 ed. Studies in Sung History宋史研究集, vol.25. Taipei: National Institute of Translation, 1995. pp.247-262. [Chinese]
67. “The Surrender of Pu Shougeng to the Mongol Empire and the Local Elite of Quanzhou. 論蒲壽庚降元與泉州地方勢力的關係.” In Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院歷史語言研究所ed., Papers on Society and Culture of Early Modern China中國近世社會文化史論文集. Taipei: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 1992. pp.189-212. [Chinese]
68. “The Shu-mi-yan Institution during the Five Dynasties. 五代的樞密院.” In Wang Shou-nan 王壽南et al eds. Selected Papers on Chinese History中國史學論文選集, vol.5. Taipei: Young Lion Press, 1986. pp.437-474. [Chinese]
Last update: Aparil 18, 2017