Angelina Chun-chu YEE (余珍珠)
PhD Harvard University, 1986
Professor Yee graduated from University of California, Berkeley and received her MA and PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard University. She has taught at Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Maryland, where she was an associate professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature.
Research Interests
Narrative and drama; cultural criticism; colonial and post-colonial studies; gender studies.
Representative Publications
Cultural Conflicts, Modernities, and Our Asias. (ed. with foreword by Angelina Yee) Hong Kong: Center for Cultural Studies, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. (forthcoming)
“Yang Kui.” In Dictionary of Literary Biography: Modern Chinese Fiction Writers, 1900-1949. New York: Bruccoli, Clark and Laymon Publishers, 2006.
“Popular Cultural China’s Utopia: The National Imaginary in Jin Yong’s Fiction.” In Collected Essays on Jin Yong’s wuxia xiaoshuo, ed. by Jin Yong wuxia xiaoshuo lunwen bianji weiyuanhui. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004.
“Global, Local, and the Postcolonial: The Race for World Class in the Hong Kong Academy.” In The Challenges of Critical Academia in Asia: Knowledge/Power in the Postcolonial Ecumene, ed. by Allen Chun. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.
“Constructing a Native Consciousness: Taiwan Literature in the 20th Century.” Special Issue: Taiwan in the 20th Century, China Quarterly 165 (March 2001): 83-101.
⟨懺悔與超脫:紅樓夢中的自我書寫⟩[Repentance and Transcendence: Self-writing in the Honglou meng]. In《中國小說與宗教》[Chinese Fiction and Religion], ed. by Huang Ziping. 279-283. Hong Kong: Zhonghua Shuzhu, 1998.
《紅樓夢的多重結構與情感》[The Polyphonic Structure and Sentiments of the Dream of Red Chamber]. Beijing: Wenhua yishu Press, 1997.
Composing Red Chamber Dreams: Self, Sexuality, and Transcendence. Hong Kong: Education Press, 1997.
⟨關於紅樓夢的女性主義論述⟩[Feminist Discourses on the Honglou meng]. In《女性主義與文學》[Feminism and Literature], ed. by Zheng Zhenwei. 69-77. Hong Kong: Lingnan College, 1996.
“Self, Sexuality, and Writing in Honglou meng.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 55.2 (December 1995): 373-407.
“Writing the Colonial Self: Yang Kui’s Texts of Resistance and National Identity.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 17 (1995): 111-132.
“Meaning and Sympathy in the Hung-lou meng.” Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies New Series 23.2 (June 1993): 193-211. Reprinted in Honglou meng xuekan 2 (May 1994).
“Recapitulation: Issues of Identity.” In Asian Americans: Collages of Identities, ed. by Lee C. Lee. 227-230. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Asian American Studies, 1992.
“Counterpoise in Honglou meng.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 50.2 (December 1990): 613-650.