Professor Quentin Qin’s article was nominated and recognized by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Phonetics
Professor Quentin Qin’s article was nominated and recognized by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Phonetics.
Best Early Career Scholar's Article of The Year
As of 2017, being sponsored by Elsevier, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Phonetics recognizes and promotes good scholarship of young researchers by granting the award annually for "The Journal of Phonetics Best Early Career Scholar's Article of The Year"
Each year, Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors first screen all the eligible papers published in the previous publication year whose first and corresponding author was a young scholar with his/her PhD degree conferred within 6 years prior to the publication year. Up to four papers are then nominated to the entire Editorial Board who votes on the best research article considering its originality and scientific quality. The award winning paper is recognized through the journal’s webpage, set up for a year of free access and promoted via appropriate subject marketing channels. There also will be a modest financial reward sponsored by Elsevier. This year, Editors considered 17 eligible articles out of which three articles were nominated to the Editorial Board.
We are very pleased to announce that the winner of "The Journal of Phonetics Best Early Career Scholar’s Article of The Year" for 2019 is: Jiayin Gao (University of Edinburgh, PhD conferred in 2015).
The winner's article is:
Jiayin Gao and Takayuki Arai (2019). Plosive (de-)voicing and f0 perturbations in Tokyo Japanese: Positional variation, cue enhancement, and contrast recovery. Journal of Phonetics, 77, 100931.
The Editorial Board also wishes to recognize the other two nominated articles for their contributions of exceptionally high scientific quality articles to the journal:
Manker, Jonathan (2019). Contextual predictability and phonetic attention. Journal of Phonetics, 75, 94-112.
Qin, Zhen, Annie Tremblay and Jie Zhang (2019). Influence of within-category tonal information in the recognition of Mandarin-Chinese words by native and non-native listeners: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Phonetics, 73, 144-157.
The previous award winner for 2016:
Patrycja Strycharczuk
Article: Strycharczuk, P. and J. Scobbie (2016). Gradual or abrupt? The phonetic path to morphologisation, Journal of Phonetics, 59, 76-91.