[CANCELLED] - Film Screening and Discussion with Mike CHINOY: Assignment China - The Week That Changed The World
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Chow Tak Sing Lecture Theater G

Speaker:  Mike CHINOY
Former CNN Senior Asia Correspondent
Senior Fellow at US-China Institute, University of Southern California
US President Richard Nixon described his 1972 trip to China as “the week that changed the world” – reshaping the global balance of power and opening the door to the establishment of relations between the People’s Republic and the United States.  This segment in the USC U.S.-China Institute’s series on American reporting on China focuses on coverage of that historic summit.
Mike CHINOY was CNN’s Senior Asia Correspondent and served as a foreign correspondent for more than thirty years. He served as Beijing Bureau Chief from 1987 to 1995. He was also Hong Kong Bureau Chief for five years. CHINOY’s published two books, China Live: People Power and the Television Revolution (1999) and Meltdown: The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis (2008). He taught at the USC Annenberg School of Communication and ran the School’s Hong Kong summer program 2007-2009.

Chow Tak Sing Lecture Theater G
Recommended For
UG Students, PG Students, Alumni, Faculty and Staff, HKUST Family, Elderly, General Public
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Division of Humanities
