Zhuangzi Month 2023 (Session 1) - Zhuangzi and Death in Medieval China
10:30 pm

The project Global Reception of the Classic Zhuangzi will organize a Zhuangzi reception month in September/October 2023. We will host four online events on Saturday, September 2, 9, 16 and October 7, respectively in which various scholars will explore the Zhuangzi's reception during the Six and Tang Dynasties. These events are free of charge and open to all, so please feel free to share this information with anyone interested in the Zhuangzi and its reception.


In the first session on September 2, 2023, 7:30 AM PDT (i.e. 10:30 EDT, 15:30 BST, 22:30 HKT), Lana Kyungran Ko (SOAS University of London) and Trenton Wilson (Princeton University) will present their work on the Zhuangzi and Death in medieval China. Their talks will focus on the Buddhist apologetic Hongming ji 弘明集 (A Collection of Materials Propagating and Clarifying [Buddhism]) and the manuscript Jiang Zhouyi shulun jiayi ji 講周易疏論家義記 (Lecture Notes on the Meaning of the Zhouyi in Subcommentaries and Essays), both of which used the proto-Daoist classic to develop their own understandings of life, death, and mortality.


Below this post, you may find a poster that includes all relevant information regarding this talk. Please register via the QR code and/or url included in the poster. I hope to see many of you online in about a month.

More Information


Speakers / Performers:
Lana Kyungran Ko
SOAS University of London
Speakers / Performers:
Trenton Wilson
Princeton University

