記錄片放映: 《蕭軍六記》 及 映後座談會
講者:魏時煜 (導演、香港城市大學創意媒體學院副教授)
主持人:常成 教授 (人文學部)
日期: 4月18日 (五) 晚上七時
地點: 2023.04.18 (TUE) 7:00–10:00 pm LTC (夏利萊博士及夫人演講廳)
Language 語言: Chinese 中文 (中英字幕 bilingual subtitle)
A Life in Six Chapters presents a visual portrait of Xiao Jun (1907-1988), a left-wing Chinese writer who befriended the literary figure Lu Xun and the political giant Mao Zedong. The film spans more than 60 years from the 1920s to the 1980s, taking a tour of China’s literary scene, and introducing renowned writers like Lu Xun, Xiao Hong, Hu Feng, Ding Ling, Nie Gannu, Ai Qing, Lao She, and more. Xiao Jun’s romances and struggles are set against the backdrop of twentieth century China, including the 14-year Sino-Japanese War, the Communist rectification campaigns, post-1949 political movements, the chaotic years of the Cultural Revolution, and, finally, the early years of the country’s opening-up.
A disciple of Lu Xun, Xiao Jun tried throughout his life to hold on to his mentor’s spirit of intellectual autonomy free from political influence. Although he befriended some of the CCP’s top leaders, from Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai to Chen Yun and Peng Zhen, he never joined the party. Even a campaign of criticism against him could not persuade him and he is remembered as one of a few Chinese writers who survived without bending to politics.
《蕭軍六記》圍繞左翼作家蕭軍起伏跌宕的人生,呈現了他所經歷的二十世紀的中國。1931 年日軍侵占東北之後,他和蕭紅逃離哈爾濱,在上海受到新文學之父魯迅先生的提携,以《八月的鄉村》蜚聲文壇。從東北到上海、到延安、到北京,蕭軍所交往的文學名家無數,與蕭紅是三十年代最著名的文壇雋侶,與胡風和聶紺弩同爲魯迅“最後的弟子”,與丁玲、艾青、舒群、白朗、羅烽等人的友誼複雜而深厚。蕭軍一直秉承魯迅精神,不願為任何政治黨派左右。抗戰期間,他在延安結識了毛澤東、周恩來、陳雲、彭真等中國共產黨高級領導人,但本人卻一直未入黨。
本片透過導演從 2003 年至 2020 年之間對很多文壇名家所作的訪談,采納蕭軍本人 1980 年所作四次公開演講的錄音做旁白,讓觀衆能夠聆聽他的聲音。同時,跟隨蕭軍蕭紅的旅程,影片呈現了 1920 年代末的東北,1930 年代的哈爾濱、青島、上海、武漢、臨汾、西安、蘭州,1940 年代的延安、香港、瀋陽,以及 1950 至 1980 年代北京的景象,展示了超過半個世紀的歷史畫卷
As Writer-Director 導演作品
2019 Writing 10000 Miles 漂泊者蕭紅 (RTHK TV documentary, writer and director)
2019 Havana Divas 古巴花旦 (Director’s Cut, feature documentary, writer and director)
2018 Havana Divas 古巴花旦 (feature documentary, writer and director)
2016 Wang Shiwei: The Buried Writer 王實味:被淹沒的作家 (TV documentary, writer and director)
2014 Golden Gate Girls 金門銀光夢 (feature documentary, writer and director)
2009 Storm under the Sun 紅日風暴 (feature documentary, co-producer, co-director and co-writer with Xiaolian Peng)
2006 Cui Jian: Rocking China 崔健:搖滾中國 (TV documentary short, writer and director)
As Co-Writer / Co-Producer 聯合編劇/監製作品
2017 We the Workers 凶年之畔 (feature documentary, executive producer)
2007 Gun of Mercy 五顆子彈 (feature film, primary screenwriter)
2007 Ming Ming 明明 (feature film, co-writer)